You make me happy.

They both heard someone clearing their throat making them release each other lips and realised that they both are out of their breath. 

Cassie blushed as she looked at Chris making him smile at her and then slowly they both turned around to see Aiden looking at them with a smile.

"Aiden?" Chris asked as he raised his eyebrows at him.

"I am sorry for disturbing you but... Delcy needs you. She is asking for you!" Aiden said.

"Ohh. Yeah... Thank you!" Cassie replied as she looked at Chris. He nodded his head and then, she walked inside quickly. 

Aiden chuckled as soon as Cassie disappeared from their sight and walked towards Chris.

"Amazing..." Aiden said as he Walked towards Chris.

"What is amazing?" Chris asked as he raise his eyebrow at Aiden.

"That... You both are amazing. I can literally see the sparks in your eyes when you both look at each other." Aiden said.

"Really?" Chris asked.