"Cassie... Let's try yours now." Aurora said and Cassie nodded as she nodded her head in yes.

"Select something." Cassie said and Aurora frowned.

"What? No. You should select the one you like." Aurora replied.

"Well... You know..." Aurora cut off Cassie in mid sentence.

"No more... Let's look around." Aurora said as she grabbed Cassie by her arms and they both looked around the store while Raymond only smiled at them.

"Umm... Did you like anything?" Auorora asked as she looked around and Cassie shook her head in no.

"Let's look for more." Aurora said and Cassie nodded.

They both looked around the large store for about 15 minutes when, A dress caught Cassie's eye.

"How about this?" Cassie asked grabbed the dress and Aurora nodded her head smiling brightly.

"Yes. Let's go. Try it on you." Aurora said and nodded her head at the salesgirl.

The salesgirl nodded her head while they both walked away from there.