Human's greatest enemy is his heart. Because when that bastard stops beating, he dies.

We have killed Rafa's father in front of her. We were in a shock too after seeing her. All we did know at that time was we had to run. Then when I looked at Madarashi and saw that he was writing something on the floor with the president's blood. When I got a closure look I saw it was written 'DEVIL'. I didn't know what he was doing at a time like this. But I quickly grabbed the president and started running and Madarashi was following me too. He was running and laughing for some reason. He actually enjoyed it. He was enjoying all these like a psychopath. Then he took the lead and we went to the back of the mansion and climbed the wall there. As soon as we jumped down, all the cops started firing at us. After firing for a while when they got a closer look they saw that they were actually firing the president's body which we used as a shield. From the behind of it Madarashi said to the cops, 'Oh! No! you have shot the president. are you sure you weren't the one who actually killed him.' Then the cops said, 'Who are you? Open the mask and stay there.' But then he said, 'Sorry sir, too late!'

And just then a Madarashi pressed something on the wall of president's residence and all of a sudden a lot of smokes started coming out of nowhere. And just then a police shot a bullet but we blocked it and started running. It was actually Madarashi's plan to run away in between the smoke screen. Then I heard something shocking from him that the smoke screen will now appear and cover the whole place about 1 km round. He explained that it was actually to block the cops' sight of us and in the process it will also block the visual of the security cameras nearby. I was amazed again, when did he do all these! We kept running here and there and the cops lost tract of us. Then Madarashi took me to kind of a isolated place and he said, 'We have to change our devil's outfit here and dress like general people. And I only managed to destroy all the security cameras of here and so none will see us.' We then quickly changed our outfit into the outfit he brought. It was the outfit of someone who disposes garbage. I didn't understand why this outfit but then he told me that, because of this outfit we can carry our devil outfit in the dustbin without anyone's suspicion. Then we dressed and got into the main street where there was a lot of crowd. We saw a lot of cops running here and there in front of us but they even didn't look at us and they were so impatient. We were running but then I saw Madarashi wasn't by my side and so I looked behind and saw that he was just standing there watching everyone, the restless cops. He then said, 'Look! Look at these rats running here and there to find us. Looks like they don't know, no matter how much or how many of them try, the rats can never bell the cat!!!!' and saying that started laughing like a devil and said, 'This is exhilarating….'

Our first mission went well. We behaved normally so that none could understand anything. We also attended the class like usual. Rafa didn't come to the school for a while. We went to vist her several times but she didn't meet us. I wasn't sure if rafa saw us that or not but Madarashi was sure that she didn't. The media was on fire. Everywhere even in the international news there was one headline, 'The Devil killed the Japan's president. But who actually is this devil'. When the investigator was asked about it they said, 'This foe is formidable. He left behind a lot of traces but we can't come to any conclusion by summing them up. His mind works well.' A photo was leaked where the 'DEVIL' is written in blood. I recognized it immediately. It was the writing Madarashi did with the president's blood. Then one day, a security camera footage was released which was showing the footage in front of president's mansion of that day. The footage was censored but everyone could see two masked devils infiltrating the mansion and taking down the all the guards. We were watching that news with some of our classmates and then they said, 'Man! Look at the devil. Can you believe how skilled he is! He took down like a fully trained troop like it was child's play. Also he uses his mind too. With only strength he could never win if he didn't use his brain.'

But then suddenly we heard a grumpy voice saying, 'That devil is really powerful, don't you think Madara.' That person called Madarashi by Madara so, I was Who it was and I got panicked. But madarashi signaled me to keep my calm. And we turned around and saw that Rafa was standing there, she looked dead. Then everyone in the class went to her and started talkinh about staffs with her. Then she shouted, 'Stay away from me you so called fake friends of mine. And also from today you don't have to fear me as president's daughter. She started acting weirdly. Madarashi then went to her and consoled her. She then told her, ' Calm down. You can't be like this in this kind of situation. Let's take you somewhere else. I will buy you your favorite ice cream. Then we went to her house, an apartment she was temporarily living in. Madarashi kept telling her to calm down. But then suddenly shouted, 'What the hell do you know about my feelings? You were never in situation like this. I am hurting cause I am in pain. I have lost everything. Hearing that Madrashi became silent and took something from his pocket. It was that safety pin that he gifted mom on his birthday and the same pin he used in his first murder. He showed that to Rafa and told her all the story of ours. But he obviously lied about different things so that our true identity doesn't leak. Hearing our past Rafa broke into tears and apologized to us saying , 'I'm sorry. Why didn't you tell me this earlier?' then madarashi gave her an important lesson and he said,

'You are in pain because you think that some people are necessary for someone's life. But tell you what, no one is necessary for anyone's life. The only someone you need is your parents but just to give you birth and that's the end of their responsibility. After that all they do is is additional and unnecessary. Bonds with people, caring for people making friends and carrying their memories all these are nothing but human's weaknesses which have the potential even to take that human to the door of destruction. Those who believe, someone is necessary for them, they are not worthy of living. But who am I to say? Cause I'm the same too. When I lost my parents I didn't know what to do, I went berserk. Also I don't know what will I do if I lose my brother somehow. May be I'm not worthy of living too.'

I was totally astonished by what he said and so was Rafa. Then he again said, 'You lost your parents but he didn't die normally. The same goes for us too. Those type of situation we faced are called tragedy. And these type of tragedy always tends to give birth to two kinds of people. Either the Angel or the devil. So, no matter how much you try, if you had to face a tragedy like that you can never live a normal life. So, what do you choose, the path of angel of the devil?'

I didn't understand what he was doing. Was he trying to brain wash Rafa and take us to our side. But brain wash isn't the wise word here cause every inch of word Madarashi said had a lot of philosophical value and they are undeniably true without a doubt.

But then Rafa said, 'Which path did you take after your tragedy?' Madarashi said, 'I think I asked the question first. So, it's your duty to answer me first. I promise I'll tell you after that.' Then she sat there for a while thinking and said, ' I guess it's pretty obvious. I will take the path of angel if I were to kill the devil. Yes, I will be the angel and kill the devils that killed my dad. I'll take my revenge no matter what.'

I got a little afraid when she said that but Madarashi smiled and said, 'wow! If you say it like that you don't look like an angel. So, your enemy is the devil, huh? Good luck with that. So, I will tell you what path I took.'

I was really afraid at that time, I thought that he was going to reveal everything. But then he said, 'Your goal is to kill the devil and you took the path which will help you the most to kill him. Like you I had a goal and that was to eliminate all the evils. And so, I took the path which will let me reach my goal as fast as possible.' And the she said, 'That's the path of angel, right?'

Then Madarashi smiled and said, 'may be or may be not. Who knows? But the important thing is I have added another goal of mine and that is to help you kill the devil one day. So, promise me one day you will be the one to kill the devil.'

The she said, 'Okay, I promise I will, no, I have to. So, from now on my greatest enemy is the devil.' But then Madarashi said, 'You mean your second greatest enemy?' I didn't understand what was he trying to say Rafa asked him, 'What's that supposed to mean. Then who is my first greatest enemy?'

Madarashi then said, 'Okay, listen carefully. I'm going to reveal to you your greatest enemy. Your greatest enemy is your 'heart'. Human's greatest enemy is his own heart cause when that bastard stops beating, he dies.'

After he said that both me and Rafa was staring at him for a while. I were so amazed by those words that we couldn't even move. Rafa then said, 'Madarashi, who are you actually, an angel?'

But Madarashi smiled and said, 'No, rather quite the opposite. Whatever. Its time to hear from you. Have you calmed down a little. Has your mind become fresh?'

There was an intense look on Rafa's face. She said, 'Madarashi, Have you pissed your pants?' Then we all looked at his pants and we saw that it was all wet. Then he said, 'Ah, crap! The ice cream I bought for you melted. Man what a drag.'

Just then Rafa suddenly started laughing so loudly. Then we laughed a lot for a while. It was like, three best friends enjoying their moments. Then Rafa said, 'Wait I have some ice cream in the refrigerator I will bring them. Let's eat them together.'

Then we all ate the ice cream and had a lot of fun. But then Rafa said, 'Thank you for easing me up. You are really the greatest friend I ever made. By the way Madara, you said earlier that anyone can live without anyone but also said that we can't handle it if your brother dies. So, do you think that you also cry if I die. Cause, if you die I will cry a lot.'

Then he replied saying, 'You will cry for me then it will be a little contradictory. But I think I may cry if you die and also may be not. The time will tell everything.' Then she said, 'Oh! By the way I've a favor to ask. I'll ask it tomorrow. It will be too much for one day. And thanks for everything, for calming me, Mr. great philosopher, Madara.'