Basic Skills and Blue Liquid

"I guess that's a yes," I muttered before entering the room. 

It was so small you'd think a hobbit lived here as in order to actually navigate the small place, you had to bend down. 

The furniture was very small, fitting for the tiny room. 

Clink Clank

All of a sudden, a pile of tin cans stacked in the corner had tumbled next to our feet, revealing a large rat that glared at us with blood-red eyes. 

"It's alright. It's just a rat-" 

When I turned to calm down Treyni, who I knew hates little critters, I noticed she was already gone and outside of the entrance to the room. 

After laughing a bit, I saw it bear its buck teeth towards me, so I instantly killed it without hesitation. 

"That thing definitely has the bubonic plague or some shit like that," I muttered to myself before shifting through the small room once more.