Battle of The Lowest (10)

"I'm still so weak… fuck," 

Upon arriving back at the camp, thousands of soldiers cheered for our success, and the commander continuously praised us for our efforts. 

He talked about the rewards we would receive, which were primarily monetary, but we were in dire need of that, so I wasn't complaining much. 

Later that night, I had a conversation with the commander and informed him about all the powers and skills the commander and lieutenants used. 

Of course, I asked my friends first in order to confirm the powers. 

"Hmmmmm… Yep, those seem like the real leaders… but this battle isn't over yet. Though, I'm sure you already know that," 

"Mhm… Allow me and Aisa to finish the job. We'll kill him tonight and end this battle…." I muttered while gritting my teeth. 

"What's wrong?" The commander asked, noticing my angered state.