New Main Quest

"Your heartbeat is dead clam… maybe a bit too calm… are you trying to gaslight me right now?" He asked, and his expression was quite terrifying, to say the least. 

Calling it demonic would be an understatement. 

"I would never dare to," I smiled lightly, and as he reeled his face back from my shoulder, I kept calm and collected. 

Findir hadn't woken up yet, thankfully, because he would've ruined my concentration; that was to keep my heartbeat and breathing under control. 

"Tch… then slit your wrists and prove you have some ichor flowing through your veins… demi-god," 

My lips creased as I was suddenly backed into an inevitable corner. 

I had just been delaying it with small bluffs and little lies large enough to let me just squeeze past. 

"Fine," I muttered, but all of a sudden, a small gust of wind blew past us within the room, and a man had appeared on the demon lord's shoulders.