First Eon of Existance (3)

"What? Fragments? You have to explain more than that. You can't just blue ball me with that simple amount of information and expect me to be satisfied?" I asked, but the man only got faster and faster until our legs carried us with a full-on sprint through the massive crowd. "Hey! Wait! Slow down!" 

The demon lord was so fast that I could hardly keep up with him, but as soon as he turned around to get a glimpse at where I was, he realized I was gone. And well, I exited his range and was now suffering on the dirt ground; a few people came close to check up on me, but that only made the pressure worse. 

Each time I looked at them, all I saw was a mass of power. Nothing more, nothing less. They were all simple commoners, farmers, workers, slaves, and humans… yet they overpowered with just their presence. It was getting harder to breathe. It was getting harder to see. I was losing all of my senses with each passing second, and then… it all came back.