Wielder of The Demonic Flame (1)

My status was still stuck in place, practically unable to move from where it was set. I was beginning to wonder if I had made the wrong decision of coming with Cy as Beezlebub was no more than a teacher who liked to torture his students. He had barely taught me anything and had only granted me a place of training that ate away at my mind. 

Of course, at the start, I recognized what he wanted me to do. He wanted me to meditate and learn more about the mana and most likely the system in general, but there was something else that came with the mana swirling around me. 

It was painfully dark and ate away at my sanity with each drop that I fused into my own mana veins. It was like the incarnation of evil that I had flowing through my body and with each passing second, I could feel its dark claws rip away at my mind.