Intermission: First Boss Battle (2)

Just as Astra wielded her mastery over blood magic through her sinister markings, these gargoyle markings provided a direct connection to the supernatural and sinister arts. They hummed with a pulsating dark light, a subtle yet ominous glow that hinted at the latent energy they held. The intensity of this sinister radiance was far from constant; it could be manipulated, intensified, and diminished at will, reflecting the potency of their magic.

As Orion observed, the dark magic channeled by the gargoyles had a rhythm of its own, much like the sinister heartbeat of a malevolent force. It responded to external influences, and Orion suspected that it could be harnessed to alter the very nature of the chamber. The subtle fluctuations in the glow suggested that these markings could be more than mere decoration; they could be instruments of power.