First Ring of Hell: Lust (8)

Why? Well, isn't it obvious? He's strong as fuck.

With a reluctant nod, Orion acquiesced to the demoness's proposal, recognizing the practicality of having a temporary partner for navigating the intricacies of gaining entry into the celestial abyssal haven that lay beyond the chandelier. As they stood side by side, the demoness guided him through a series of enigmatic rituals required to access the exclusive club.

The process was far from conventional, a strange fusion of infernal bureaucracy and cosmic whimsy. The demoness produced an otherworldly talisman, intricately engraved with abyssal symbols that seemed to shimmer in response to the cave's energy. Holding it aloft, she whispered incantations that resonated with the cosmic forces intertwined with the fabric of the cave.