Destruction of The First Circle (3)

In those harrowing moments, as the voice resonated with the relentless pulse of divine judgment, I questioned the very essence of my demonic existence. The cavern, once a haven for debauchery, had transformed into a chamber of introspection, where the echoes of repentance mingled with the gruesome aftermath of divine retribution.

"[Βασιλική χειραγώγηση της σάρκας]."

Then, it happened. Agony surged through every fiber of my being as my leg was cruelly torn in two different directions, an excruciating pain that threatened to shatter my consciousness. In a desperate bid to escape the hellish basement, I summoned the last reserves of my strength, attempting to crawl up the unforgiving metal stairs.

"[Βασιλική χειραγώγηση της σάρκας]."