Findir's Mission (14)

Every muscle in Findir's body tensed. How? His [Presence Erasure] was perfect—there was no way the orc should have been able to sense him.

The orc grinned weakly, his lips curling into a thin, knowing smirk. "You think you've been watching me, boy?" His voice was rough, but there was a hint of triumph in it. "I've seen you... before."

It hit Findir like a cold shock. The elder hadn't just sensed him now. No, he'd already lived through this moment. He must have been killed—maybe by another assassin, maybe by some unknown hand—and used his ability to revert time. The orc had undone his death but at a cost.

The elder shifted in his chair, his movements slow and heavy as though each motion was pulling him deeper into the earth. "I can't go back much further," he rasped, still keeping his eyes locked on Findir's location. "But once... is enough."