The Realm of Ice Elves (3)

Aisa's movements were like liquid, weaving in and out of the fight, a constant blur of steel and shadows. She appeared behind a group of elves, her daggers flashing as she cut through their defenses. One elf tried to strike her with an icy sword, but she bent backward, her body folding in a way that shouldn't have been possible. As the sword passed harmlessly through the space she had just occupied, she reappeared in front of the elf, her dagger plunging into its chest.

Luna, ever the illusionist, wove a web of confusion in the heat of the battle. She cast Mind Fog over a group of approaching elves, causing their movements to slow and their vision to blur. In the confusion, Luna summoned Mirror Image, creating duplicates of herself that spread out in different directions. The ice elves, unable to discern which Luna was the real one, began attacking the illusions with reckless abandon.