Ch 2 hell continues

she barricaded him in with her toes "now it's time for dress-up!"

Oh god said tony

*a few hours pass*

I'm tired. That was fun. I am gonna lay down for a minute my little man. As she fell next to tony the doll and she fell asleep.

Great now I can get out of here tony said as sam faced the other way as he looked at her and her body that looked like a mountain range I can leave as he snuck by her she immediately rolled over crushing tony with her back 

ow ow ow ow this is hell

Then again sam reached out from under her and yanked tony out and said oh I didn't forget about you. You are my favorite toy and I wanna keep u close so she then put him in between her bra and trapped him where he couldn't move as he was pinned under the lacing of her bra.

Well, I guess I'm stuck here. Tony said he tried to sleep but Sam snored very loud and kept him up. He tried to move but barely could. He would try to climb up her boobs to pry himself out but to no avail. 

All he did was tickle his new giantess as the morning of Saturday came. Tony accepted his new life as Sam's toy and he was trying to think of ways to get out of here. But little did he know the worst was yet to come as sam woke up

Sam woke up and immediately looked down at Tony and said hello there my little lover, oh her breath stinks tony said as she had grabbed him and quizzed him close I had the best dream about you well the real version of you sam said. It was fun and I think I'm gonna make it a reality with my new toy.

Tony said what the heck does that mean?

Just then he felt Sam change position and take off her legging tony knew something bad was gonna happen.

Tony was moved down into her panties as he screamed for her to stop as she took her shirt and bra off exposing her nice nipples oh this is what I deserve she said.


Tony said this isn't what I deserve I want to go home

Just then Tony was at Sam's privates and he said wow it is like a big black cave just then he was rotated going headfirst into sams vagina and has been used as a human dildo. 

Every back and forth motion tony screamed in distress and Sam screamed in please saying I am a bad girl, yes tony take me as she kept going and going tony was experiencing every thrust every little thing sucking him in and then she came all over him and she was relieved taking him out of her panties and laying him on her bare just that was great it felt like Tony was really inside me.

Tony couldn't do anything as he was dripping and shocked with trauma aaa. oh, I need a shower and then another round as Sam licked tony clean and put him in her underwear drawer for use later as she got up tony looked at her in fear as the massive naked body walked away and he excepted his faith as sams favorite sex toy.