Ch 13 The girls floor

After a long time, Tony has enjoyed his new life with Ali and is enjoying being her plaything but Ali was starting to get sick of him so she planned on getting rid of him. Even if Tony has been enjoying her small cute butt and her small chest, things are gonna get worse.

after class Ali came back to her room to find tony on her bed and Ali already came up with a plan to get rid of tony as she came in tony said hi Ali so what do u wanna do today Ali said nothing she said she has been thinking and she doesn't want him anymore and is going to get rid of him tony was shocked as he had no idea what that meant he said also what do u mean we have such a nice thing she said yes but I got tired of u and what am I gonna do keep u around after I used you like a dildo why would I do that I have made up my mind I'm gonna get rid of u just then she grabbed him and placed him in her bath caddy.

she said to him u will look inanimate to anyone until they notice u so this is what I'm gonna do take u downstairs to the girl's floor take a shower and u can get one last good look at my body then whoever wants u can have u. tony was terrified as he has to do this all this with a new girl who may treat him as bad as sam did.

The shower was long and nice as Ali made sure to give Tony a show and showed off every nice wet part of her body and then she left Tony to find a new owner.

after an hour or so a girl walks in she was big (think a slight BBW) she was a tall dark girl who had a wide figure with an ass the size of the sun and Tony couldn't help but get turned on she showered and stepped on tony her foot with red toenails crush him tony was in so much pain yet he loved it and had the hardest boner that couldn't get crushed. the girl looked down and picked him up she said hmm who leaves a toy in the shower heh whatever finders keepers. she slipped him in her black caddie as Tony couldn't see anything after getting a look at her big tits and her foot with a quick look at her vagina. Tony then found himself in her room very similar to the alias room except she had a roommate. Tony was then picked up again and she took a good look at him. She saw him and said u are a very cute doll very well made as she stood there in her black laced extra-large underwear.

she said hmm I could have some fun I love dolls as she put him on her bed as she hopped up on him crushing him tony thought he died as she got up and yanked him out from under her massive ass. she slept with him in her arms crushing him all night as she rolled around her bed and crushed him all night. the next day tony woke up after passing out from the pain. he woke up to the smell of her vagina and he was shocked being pushed up against her vagina as he said fuck it and creamed his pants as her hand grabs him and she says well hello Reginald as she gave tony a name thinking it was just a dumb barbie doll and she said hmm I know just what u wanna do as she slipped tony into her sock and put it on her chubby foot and slipped on her boots as she left for a class as Tony had to live his life as this new girl treats him not only as a toy but as a way to satisfy her foot fetish.