Ch 17 The butt crush

After the bell rang Tony knew he was going for a ride Alex picked up her bag and headed to bed car.

Tony being tossed around the pocket finally came to a stop in the car after about a 20 min drive the car stopped and tony was once again tossed around before being placed in a very dark place with Alex's backpack.

Tony took the time to get out and look around he seemed to be in a locker with Alison's clothes. She must of went to the gym tony said himself as he looked around and decided to go back into her bag and rest. I don't know what the rest of the day holds I should just stay put and rest.

About an hour or more goes by and tony is picked up once Alex finished her workout and took her bag and headed home. After being tossed around in her bag tony finally came to a final spot. Alex's room he hoped out disoriented and looked around just then to large reebok sneakers fell from high above. 



Almost crushing tony but lucky for him he was able to move out of the way just barely avoiding the sneakers. Tony hid under her bed while getting a nice sniff of Alison's sweet shoes. Tony thought to himself hmm maybe I should go stay in there. Nah I don't want to get crushed he said to himself Alex got up and went to go get a bit to eat. 

Tony then said alright I go see what I'm working with. He ran from under the bed and got a look around a very average room nothing crazy but a lot of bedding. Tony said let me see if I get a better view from up there as he climbed up he finally got to the top of her bed. Just then he heard Alison on the phone with a friend. Tony played dead from instinct at this point.

Just then Alex's small tight ass crushed tony. She was too distracted however to feel him. Tony under Alex's hot sweaty leggings could not help but be turned on as she spoke to her friend about school and homework.

She then got up and left making tony slide on the floor and stepping on him with her small sweaty feet before leaving to shower as she left she took off her leggings showing tony a very nice view of her ass as he looked up at it and basked in the glory of her nice small cute ass in her panties. As she left tony took his time getting up. Well that was great I think I'm going to like this he began to take his rock hard cock and bust a nut right under her bed as he finished Alex came back to her room and immediately went to bed tony took the opportunity to go over and sniff the pair of skinny jeans Alex took out for herself to wear to school the next day. Tony happy and tired fell asleep in the pair of pants relieved and horny as hell.

The next day Tony was woken up to the ground shaking as he overslept and Alex did too as she rushed to get out the door not knowing she pushed tony up against her ass as she ran out and then tony realized oh no I'm stuck in between his crush and a hard place what will happen next?