Ch 2 Moving Day

Tony was woken up in the wee hours of the morning by Sam moving. He had gotten no sleep as Sam did and once again she snores so he didn't sleep. He hasn't had a good night's sleep in years. Sam was up and about and shoved tony in her makeup bag as they got ready to go to the airport.

The ride to the airport was bumpy at best there was no real rest for Tony as it felt like every second he was thrown around her bag Sam ran to security and tried to get through as fast as possible to get to her flight.

Once they got to security Sam was stopped and told she needed to get her bags checked. A very large lady grabbed sams bags and had gone through them taking tony out tony played dead even though no one besides sam could here him some weird side effect from being zapped by the gun time and time again.

She examined tony hey chicky cute doll as she squeezed tony's dick hey since when did they give dolls these things and such big ones at that. Sam said hey can we go cause i need to get my flight. She put tony back in the bag and zipped it up the bag.

Sam ran to the gate and got on the plane this was it until they arrived at the dorm in california. Tony was kinda excited to get to california as he wanted a new lease on life and maybe hopefully he can get away from sam and maybe they would be able to part ways at some point and tony could either find a way to fix himself or go find a life suitable for his stature.

The taxi ride from the airport was just as bad as the ride to the airport. After about an hour drive tony and sam arrived at the dorm the campus was massive even for someone normal sized. Sam was so excited, bouncing in her seat Tony felt every bounce.

The school campus was gated and so where the dorms sam got out and finally got to the dorm it was nothing much a college dorm sam put her bags down and took out tony and placed him on her desk she kissed him before she put him down. Hello baby this is my new home and we are going to have such a good time here in grad school. Tony said well this is nice do i get to explore the space to babe. NO sam screamed tony cowered in fear im sorry im sorry. No you are not allowed to explore u get this new small cage i bought you as she slammed a small cage on the desk

BANG! You get to stay in here until i wish to use you understand I Understand and remember tony i love you and you get a upgrade your own clear cage and u get to see me change every day and night and we get a private bedroom and apartment so i can use you in peace and moan as load as i want. You like when i moan dont you uhhhhh. U LOVE WHEN I MOAN DONT YOU!

Yes Yes Tony Said

Good i am gonna go out for a bit baby be good ok yes my goddess tony Said.