Ch 4 Taking it Easy for now

Life has gotten a bit easier for Tony as after that first night Sam has been too busy to use tony as she has been drowning in school work. This is the type of relaxation and calm tony hasn't felt in years. Every Night as he gets prepared to be used he is just said hello too and goes to bed. He is enjoying this.

After the first few weeks of class Sam comes home and looks at tony. God damn this is so fucking hard and unfair all of my classes are super hard. Tony says well that's what grad school is. She looks over at Tony with anger in her eyes. What did you say tony quivers nothing my goddess. No No say it again that's a demand or else. Oh oh i said that is what grad school is hard. Hmm that is what I thought you had said ok.

Sam then goes back to her computer a few minutes later and Tony puts his guard down. Sam gets up to stretch and then walks over to tony. She opens up the cage and grabs him. You know I don't take kindly to your tone with me. So you know what we are gonna have to do with you now don't we little man. UH Sexy time? No you don't deserve this pussy right now you deserve a little game called jack and the giant.

I count to 3 and you run if I catch you, you get punished understand? Uhh yes?




Tony ran as fast as he could under the bed so maybe he could hide and so Sam wouldn't see him. Sam opened her eyes and looked around she toyed with Tony as she said oh where oh where could my little man be?????? HMMM is he under my desk no, is he on my bed, no.

Where could he be she took loud ear piercing stomps to shake the ground tony was on. She then flipped her pillow and said well you aren't there you must be under my bed. Just then her hand came out of nowhere and grabbed Tony, squeezing him as hard as possible.

AHHHH he screamed sam looked at him with murder in her eyes.


She Threw him on the ground and stomped on him several times, her foot coming down like a boulder on Tony's face. I know you can't die but I know you can feel pain so eat this as she slowly grinded tony in the ground and then she picked him up.

Tony said whimpering Enough please i can't take it anymore. Sam looked at him oh you will take more cause you disrespected your goddess. Just then Tony looked up at a giant black moon. It was Sam's big flat ass. She was wearing tight black leggings and she was coming right for tony. Tony couldn't move he just had to take it Sam bounced up and down crushing him with her mammoth ass and grinding him into her again and again.

Then Sam pulled tony from under her and held him tight now for the fun part as she dangled tony above her mouth. Tony cried please i'm sorry im sorry no no.

Just then a knock at the door stopped and Sam put Tony in his cage. He sat in the corner of it in pain. Sam walked up to the door and opened it. It was the girl from earlier in the metallica shirt the one tony made eye contact with. She asked if everything was ok she lives under her and heard a lot of commotion sam said everythings is fine nicolete and closed the door sam came back in and looked at Tony and said now you know better.