CH 10 Freedom from the bitch

Tony has finally Escapes but he needs to now has to find a way to escape and try to find salvation.

He finds himself in a large hallways and runs to the stairs it is any moment now that natilie will wake up. I gotta find a escape route. She will check her bag I might be better off just running outside but the world is to big I need to at least find a way back to someone. Someone who might help or at least take care of me.

Tony climbs down step by step trying to move as fast as he can still he is down on the living room floor.

Alright now let's think think tony think….

How am I gonna get out of here just then he heard a alarm go off shit natilie I gotta hide.

Tony ran under the couch surrounded by dust and crumbs.

Natile wakes up hmmm that was fun right little man. Huh where did u no no no where is he.

Shit how did it gal out I wasn't that wet omg no no no she jumps up and gets dressed. How did I miss place it I need to find him she rips apart her room tony thinks maybe getting in her bag might be no no that's a bad idea.

Natile runs downstairs omg I need to get another one how did I I need to omg ok nat just go to the store see if they have another one. Natile runs out of the house tony finally walks out from under the couch to be pounced on top of and taken.