The ball dribbled and it echoed. The score was 20 to 3. Dongmin was letting me win. I finally sat down drenched in sweat and I could hear him taking huge breaths. We should have stayed home, I felt bad for my babe. "Can I at least know what is going on honey?" He was patient and calculated his words before uttering. I looked up and said "It wasn't me. I didn't tell this because I hate it myself." The sun was coming up. "Let us get back in and talk at home. Come." Dongmin led me home. He is never been this worried and hated myself for not telling him earlier. "Dongmin…" "Yeah?" "Trust me on this."
You might be confused, why? What happened? You will get to know with time.
My mother-in-law called me. I picked with terror. She is very loving and cares for me a lot. I am her first daughter she ever had and I always tried to come up to her expectations. "Mom?" "Darling, how are you doing?" "Fine, mama." "I want to let you know that I am here for you my dear. You contact me whenever you want. I love you a lot and don't want to lose you no matter what." "I love you a lot too mama, I am sorry to put you through this" "Take care, call me if you want help" "Sure mom, good night" "Good night". Her face flashed in front of me. That fair, rosy cheeks and gorgeous smile. I felt ashamed. I wanted to throw myself out of the window. I embarrassed them. They still believe in me, I didn't want to break that. My brother-in-law messaged me; "Hang in there. Will be right beside you." I couldn't hold back, I cried ugly.
I made dinner. Sat by the table not to know what to do. I called my best friend; Tiffany. "Idiot! Now you call me. How is your husband?" "He is doing fine, I guess…" "You are guessing?! What is wrong Anna?" She asked me in more refined tone. I held silence for seconds and replied "They keep posting about me. About my school days." "Wait, I thought it was over. On what media?" "I think they want to continue it. She wants to avenge herself" "Is it the stweeter?" "Yes" I sighed in exhaustion thinking I have to go through this again. We hung up. The kettle whistled and the doorbell rang.
New Year. New grade. Now we are in the 10th grade. The new uniform, fresh smell from the books and dirty classes. I was only present today. It the starting of new time so which means cleaning. I wore the old uniform today because I know I had to clean. I rarely miss a school day. Always present no matter what the weather or situation is cause I lived close by. I swept and mopped the class silently. And carried mine and my friends' desks alone to upper floor. I sat down sweating and looking at my watch. There is still 2 hours before the school is over. My class teacher came in and asked how I was doing and handed me a juice box and a sandwich. "Thank you madam, I needed it. I can't carry all the desks and chairs madam." "You should have bought only yours. Can you tie up the dirt and leave it on the corner?" "Sure madam." I tied up the litter and placed in the corner, this is the welcome gift for tomorrow for the ones who are absent today. We have to take the litter of our classroom home. We are not allowed to throw in the school. I know right it is annoying but rules are rules.
I came home and washed up myself. I talked with my little sister about her day in the school. She was talking about a new boy in her class. She goes to a mixed school and I attend only girls' school. "Don't you have homework today?" "It was the cleaning day today Engel" "Oh! That is why you were stinking" "You don't smell that great either." "I do smell nice. Mom! Can we a fabric conditioner?"
"How does she knows that?" My cousin brother asked me while stuffing a pastry. "I am confused as you are." We are the same age and he goes to a private school. "May I ask why you are here? And you are eating my pastry." "I want your Math book and I am hungry." I let him borrow my math book, I would have not if I knew I will get the book after 2 weeks.
"Guys all of you have to divide and take the litter." I told my classmates in a loud commanding voice. My friends took theirs and all did except for two girls; Lily and a germ phobic girl. "Lily and Daf take them." "Why should I? You are not even taking a milligram." Lily questioned me. Alert! I am hot-tempered. I took the two bags and kept it on their tables and walked to desk and sat. Some of my classmates who are on the side of Lily said that I was being rude. I ignored and started writing on the record book. Luckily at the right time my class teacher came in before the situation goes out of hand.
"Good morning Madam"; we all greeted on feet. "Good morning girls. Why didn't you all come yesterday except for Anna?" She questioned and then added, "She cleaned everything by herself and others make sure to take the litter. And we will start voting for the class president." (You call class president as class monitress too- I think this word doesn't exist in the dictionary, it is the female of monitor). I felt the faces going blue behind me. That was a triumph for me. We voted and I had more votes than two other classmates also including Lily. "Okay, Anna is the class president. Anna get covers for the register and record book also printout the names and the class teacher's name." Madam started talking in a calm tone. "Madam, what is the color of the cover I should take?" I started being responsible.
The day spent out us getting introduced to new teachers and new subjects. I got home early today. I greeted mom and she asked me how the new grade was. I told her the details and told about the litter incident. "Anna, I don't want you to get close with Lily. Keep a distance and don't get involved with her. Okay?" She said in a commanding voice that was worried. "Sure. But why? You never met her but you are telling me to keep distance." "Because I know her mother and their background so I just want you to only focus on your studies and nothing else." "What background is that?" "That are grown-up stuff. You don't need to know about it." I wondered what it is about. Was her mother a witch or something? Mom was a bit uneasy and she definitely knew her mom well. "Okay... At least about why she left Royal College?" "Lily got a question wrong and she was claiming that it is correct. She quarreled with the teacher and she didn't award marks, so her mom came and quarreled with the chairman saying that she will leave the school if the teacher doesn't give marks. The chairman gave leaving certificate as her wish." "Dang it. That is one fight." "Anna. I think you should start going to Math and science classes." "Like out tuition classes? Not private ones?" "Yes, from tomorrow." Tomorrow is weekends. And tuition class means I am getting to meet boys and girls my age. (I was only interested in meeting boys at first but the girls turned out to be more interesting).
"Girl in the blue frock. What is the answer?" I was attending the Math class and Math sir asked me the answer, like I was new couldn't he spare me today? "26, sir" "Very good that is correct!" Pheww that was close, fact is I am good at math. I was disappointed with the boys a bit. I didn't find anyone that handsome. Dang! 5 of friends in my gang are attending this math class and half of my classmates. Thankfully no Lily to deal with. I think I was catching lot of attention or perhaps because I was new. There was a guy sitting a bit far in a corner, my friends told me he was a school teacher's son. Yes, he was not that handsome either for me. Not that I have high standards, it is just that I didn't find them attractive. Don't judge me. On bright side I can concentrate on my studies with no distraction. But I was definitely distracted by the scenarios in the class. They were epic. Want me to tell you? Then keep reading.
Today is Sunday and that means science class. I filled my application form and handed it over. The reception aunty befriended with me and talked with me for a while till the sir comes. I found only one of my classmate in the class. I greeted her and honestly we don't talk in the class at all. I sat with her and we chatted for a while we quite became friends. When sir came in the boys came along with him chatting, I got to know that they are his students from past year. Then that boy. That tall brown boy with glasses stared and stared, he was head over heels. No I am not exaggerating he was. I was busy concentrating and also hiding from his sight. I am little flustered this is the first time boys are giving me too much of interest. I liked the science class and wanted to continue (The sir was really good that is why I agreed, no not because of the boy).
I went home tired and slapped my face on the bed. My little bro kept calling my name "AnnA! AnA! Cwome!" I dragged myself to check him. He was trying to get the Nutella off the shelf. "You want Nutella?" "Yes. Pwease?" "Bread?" "YEA!" We spent the day infront of TV with Nutella spreaded on bread.