Chapter 19


Our class is mischievous and many teachers hated our class. Bu we also made sure that we studied. There is a building in our play ground that is not in use and incomplete. There were vines running tall with the building and 1/4th of the building is covered with the vines. And beside it there is a well present. The well is not cleaned. There lived an iguana, frog and fishes. Sometimes there is snakes surrounding the well. There are dogs too that visit this building and made a home. They live here.

So our courageous classmates thought of going to the building and some of them had explored it and came back to the class and told about it. We were excited but we were stopped by a senior prefect. We were taken to the deputy principal before the principal. Mrs. Beth was absent today also. We were screwed. The bell rang. It was school over. "I will get you all on Monday" the deputy principal cawed. We regretted our lives. We should have watched our backs. As we were about leave an elder sister who works in the office temporarily reassured as soon as the deputy principal went in to her office, "Monday is a public holiday and there are in pressure from the Education Department. So they will not remember this event now quickly run off." She is a wonderful soul to be honest. The monsters in the positions treat her really bad. She will be off as soon as when time is right. She deserves a lot more and her life should be filled with happiness and contentment.


As told by sister they had forgotten about the incident. Many of the classmates had not come because they were afraid that they will get punished. I was not bothered being punished so I came anyway. I went to the pay ground to see the building. It stood there prominently. The well had been cleared. I got to know that the Iguana was killed. The well was built better and some workers had come to continue the construction of the old building that I was about to visit.

I sat alone and revised some of the subjects with the teachers and I also cleared some of my doubts. Some subjects I just sat there watching the fan spin.


Around 5 periods we are doing English Literature on stretch. Our hands were going numb with all the speed writing and I started to not feel my joints anymore. It was one of my classmates birthday. So she bought cheap chocolates for all of us. Even though it is a cheap chocolate it the most delicious chocolate. It is one of my favorites. She gave each of us five chocolates and smuggled 10 more from the remaining. After we had over chocolates we were playing with the wrappers. One of my friend was throwing the wrappers to the fan and the fan would disperse the wrappers in different directions. It was fun to see. One of the person who was watching this was Lily. Many of the classmates were out to finish with their projects.

She watched how my friends threw the wrappers and I was watching her every move. She grabbed a purse that belonged to her friend. She could have grabbed hers. She waited till my friend threw the wrapper and it to fly away. Then she released the wrapper in her hands towards the fan. The purse was fat with a lot of stationaries. Being the top dog in grades how could she not know that it would damage the fan. I did not stop her. I did not want to get involved with her anymore. It was tiring. I let her go with her dumb plan. The purse was very bulky that the blades of the fan went crooked and hit the wall of the ceiling. The fan was near the ceiling. The fan's blade cracked the wall above and pieces of them flew around. My friend and some of them who was standing under it covered their faces to avoid any dust going into their face and from the fan falling down on them. I was quite far away. I was watching the whole incident. The fan stopped working. Thanks for the god. Lily observed that her move was absurd. She saw others crouching and she quickly rose her hands towards her eye and pretended that a huge piece had hurt her eye. She was not aware that I was watching the whole damn scene.

Mrs. Beth came in furious. She was mad and above all she was pissed off. "I do not know why you are all acting like kids. You all are sixteen years old. What would have happened if the fan had come out loose?" I still kept quiet. Lily made out a scene. She said "I forgot that there was a fan above me. I was just playing with her purse madam. I am sorry Mrs. Beth." Mrs. Beth was not happy with her apology. She was being too dramatic and got permission to go home.

After she had heft and her friends were out of sight, my friend stood up and told madam what really happened. I backed her up. And also many did. After a while some of the counsel teachers and deputy principal asked us what is wrong with Lily. And we told the truth. I was surprised that some her close friends told the same as us that she was pretending. As we spoke with them we go to know that there had been other rumors regarding that had built up. And abso-bloody-lutely she would have told that she suffering with mental and physical disorders due to me.


Today is the last before we meet in the exams. We were not allowed to have a farewell party. And we as usual broke the rule and had our party. It was Friday so that means we are out of danger. Mrs. Beth warned us not to make it loud what so ever. We did decorate our class in a minimalistic style and borrowed Mrs. Marinna's phone for photographs. The party finished in an hour. We wrapped it up quietly but the word has went out that we had party and other classes had complained about it to the deputy principals.

The deputy principals were furious that we had party without them. They are hungry hyenas. We quickly left the school as the school was over to get away from the mess. But it had back fired. The girls who promised to clean up had not cleaned up. And the deputy principal had gone to the principal and we were are going to get spanks on the final national exam.

Mrs. Beth called me to come on tomorrow (It was Saturday), to clean the class before it becomes even a huge issue.


Someone had dumped their garbage in ours. They wanted to make this a huge problem. Thank god that Mrs. Beth came up with a quick escape. I cleaned and there was food that the girls had left and they were rotting already. These girls... I sighed as I cleaned. Another two of my classmates had come today to clean it as soon possible and get over with it. We cleaned and tied up the garbage and the school janitor was so kind that he said that he will get rid of it. If it was not for him we have to take them to our home. That huge bags, no way.


Today was the exam day. Our class teacher did not come to wish us luck today since it was not her subject. Samuel's mother was present, she was giving out blessings. She looked at me and I ignored. I stood there till the bell rings for us go to the hall. My cousin brother, Rio was present too. He said me good luck and went to his hall. He was in Hall 2 and I was in Hall 1.

I was not in the good mood to write my exam and I could not remember half of the syllabus. Because yesterday there was a fight at home. It was something related to the business and my father was throwing tantrums with my mother. It was loud and annoying. So I could not focus on the subject. I wrote the paper anyways.

"How was the paper?" Everyone was asking from their friends and who they knew. I did not want to answer any of the questions nor wanted to hear their reasoning. I came out as soon the paper was done and left home to prepare for the next paper.


Today is the 6th paper. Three more to go. It was science. One of my favorite subjects. I was a little bit late. My aunt who was outside told me to rush with her hands. I rushed and saw Rio talking with his friends in front of his hall. I have to pass his hall to go to mine. I pinched him before I went. He screamed and turned to hit, not knowing who it was. "Good morning!" I said turning and rushing quickly without even waiting for his reply. I could tell that his friends was quite shocked.

After part one paper was finished. We had a break. I walked out of the hall. I spotted Rio. He spotted me and called out my name loudly. Many school girls turned. It is like a scandal talking with boys in my school. I did not bother. I could feel eyes on me. I walked towards him. His friends were present. Some were busy talking and some were watching me and Rio. "How was the paper?" Rio asked me. "It was fine. How was it for you?" "Not bad. You will do better anyhow. I just want to pass somehow. At least a 'S' pass." "Try to land for an 'A'. I am going. I am hungry." He nodded and waved goodbye. I went to have my lunch.

I finished the paper two also. The exam for today was over. When I was coming out of the hall, Rio and his friends were sort of blocking the way but you can go past them. "Oii!" Rio called out for me again. I raised my hand in response. One of his friends approached me and asked me "You nailed the paper, did not you?" I was shocked and was nervous because this was unexpected and he was standing a little bit close to me. I looked away from his eyes and replied "Kind of" and ran off. He was cute and tall. You can tell that I was blushing, but you cannot see that because I am tan in complexion. On the next day none of Rio's friends approached me because I think that Rio would have told them that I do not talk with boys and have not. They also did not try to make eye contact like before. I was at ease to be honest.