Chapter 24


My so-called friends never talked about Saul again. It was as if the incident never happened. May be because Masha was not that happy because the boy she loved also loved me too. Sarah almost knew everyone. So we three were together. Me, Masha and Sarah we promised to stay together and be friends. To come to think of Saul was introduced to Masha was Sarah. She knew all the guys and also talked with many of them. Once Masha even confessed to me when Sarah was absent to school "Do not you think that Sarah is talking to guys a lot? You know everything has a limit right?" I was slightly shocked because they are close friends than me and here she was telling her flaws to me. "I do not know. Perhaps she is. Whatever you want to know, she gets the details." I replied without directly answering her question. Masha goes to Kate's class and hang around. I sometimes go I with them but the new girls there do not go along with my vibe, so whenever she goes there I stay in the class or go to the Arts class to see my old classmates.

Masha, Sarah and some of the freshmen, all of us became close. We started to have nicknames. I was called 'Virus'. And others names? You do not need to now. Those are of too much information. It will be hard to progress, so let us forget for the time. They gave me the name 'Virus' is because I am utterly different from everyone in my class. I came from a different sort of family, bought different lunches (everyone in my class bring traditional or normal lunches. But me I bring western, eastern and also I bring chopsticks to eat with sometimes). Like utterly different. I dress different too, where many follow my fashion. So that is reason they gave me when I asked why Virus of all the names? Many people knew my name as virus now. Even in the tuition classes. And even some of the sirs in the school call me virus rather than Anna.

We are planning to do an 'English Day' celebration by calling the other schools on March 30th. Mrs. Marina was the in-charge teacher and she was accompanied by another two teachers, where one of them is Mrs. Samantha. Mrs. Marinna treated every kid a like and gave everybody a chance to take part in the day. I willed to do something because the day was ran by her. I said I will do welcome presentation. She nodded yes and asked was I sure about it. No one knew I can edit and do dope presentations. It was a hidden skill of mine. This will be the first presentation I am going to do for the school. It is not easy making a presentation. It got to have that flow when it transits. Later comes the choice of loops, songs, texts and photos. And the theme should go along with the day.

I worked on the presentation last few days and bought it today to show it to Mrs. Marinna. I bought it in a flash drive. We are not supposed to bring any electronic devices to school not even a mere CD or a SD card. If you get caught, you will be taken to the principal and sometimes parents are called in on how worse your electronic device carries and sometimes you get detention. Being Anna, I was did not care any of the shit. I bought the flash drive with the presentation only, so it would not be an issue and even if get caught Mrs. Marinna will help me out cause there will be nothing in the flash drive except for the presentation.

No. I did not get caught. I have never been caught. Whenever I get my bag checked I go to the sisters I know and greet them with a smile on my face. Some of them are like me, so they do not doubt me. I have never bought in anything illegal I swear. So anyways the school was over now and I waited out of Mrs. Marinna's classroom.

We, I and Mrs. Marinna went to the computer lab and checked the presentation. She wanted to check it herself for any errors before showing any other teachers who are taking part in organizing the English Day. She was happy with the presentation and said, "You are good! I love the behind video." "Thank you madam. So only changes are the fourth and the last slide. She nodded in response and we far welled to get back home.

On my way home I started feeling a pain in my chest. It felt as if I am having a stroke. I knelt down on the street. No one was passing by. The street was oddly empty. I passed my hand to the bag and took out my water bottle and took some sips. The pain was slightly ceased. I sat on the road for a couple of minutes before walking back home.


We are finally prepared for the 'English Day'. I showed the presentation to the other teachers also. And it also included Mrs. Samantha. She was impressed by the presentation. She gave me a pat on my shoulder and left. The presentation was so far without errors. There was one teacher I had to show but she was busy every time when I wanted to show the presentation. It was as if she was doing it on purpose. Cannot she spare ten minutes at the least. The presentation is only five minutes long.

I stayed after school to finish the decors. I helped them and left early before they did. And as usual the top dogs in my class had more opportunities than us and the teachers never took the time to give us a chance. We were like never existed.


Today was the day. Mrs. Marinna was panicking. She was so scared that what if the other schools did not like the performance and will it tarnish our school image. I set up the presentation screen. The laptop that was bought by a classmate who is one of the top dogs. Now that one teacher who had not seen the presentation came in and told me to play the presentation. The day was just two hours away. Anyways I showed the presentation. And while she was watching I was nervous and I knew she will point out a fault. And she did. She found faults. Fault number one is that the one who sponsored the day, their company name was in a order that she says is wrong but then again their is no grammatical error and none of the sponsors are coming today too. And she questioned me why that I have not showed the presentation to anyone. "I did show the presentation to the other teachers." "You should have showed it to me, Mrs. Samantha and Mrs. Marinna." "Yes madam. I showed to Mrs. Samantha and Mrs. Marinna the presentation. And I was trying to show it to you but you were busy the whole day and you refused to see." I attacked her and Mrs. Samantha quickly went away from us because this one teacher is like an atom bomb. Mrs. Marinna agreed that I she checked with me and other teachers. Then at the end of the presentation I credited myself for making the presentation. This teacher was not happy about it. "You cannot put your name in the presentation. This is a group work. You have to put all of our names in it too. I want the presentation changed now. I want all the errors to be corrected." Like she was bonkers. She was not absolutely thinking straight and why cannot I put my name in the presentation, I was only crediting myself for the presentation not for the day. I spent all my time on it and she could not spare ten minutes to check the presentation and now she wanted put her name too.

"Ah… sorry madam. I do not think I can make any changes because there is only half an hour left for the English day. Also I need my laptop and the software to edit. And I do not have any footages to edit them in the flash drive they are in my laptop. I will stop the presentation before my name comes in." She was mad at me but her expression changed when I said that I will show my name. She was okay with my plan and she went to accompany the chief guest who will be coming in a while.

I had a different plan in my mind. I went to the classmate who was operating the laptop and told her to put the whole presentation and stop the presentation when my name pops in and wait for a while and cut the presentation. And she did the same. The teacher's face was not in the god mood but I did not mind. Many people commented on my presentation and said it was really good. Usually these type of presentations were done only in the all-boys school or mixed school. Everybody make way for the Queen!