I regretted putting the story in stargram. But Jessica did not make it a big deal out of it. I was grateful yet I did not tell her. I let go of it and kept it in the past, where it belongs and started being ever nicer to them. It was all pretty smooth. We also applied to the senior prefects. As usual Masha and Sarah was not in the class. They had gone to the commerce class to hang out. They frequently are not present in the class and everyone in the class knows that they are in the commerce class or in the music room. Strangely the commerce class subject teachers do not care about it much either. And our subject teachers gave up them, they fed up of always asking me call them to the class. And sometimes they visit the Arts class too but the subject teachers in the Art class are very strict and hates when kids loiter around and even think that other kids spoil their class students. But in reality they are even worse than you think.
Daniel did not come today nor did he come on Sunday for the chemistry class and today also he did not come for physics class. I still had his book and I wanted to give him ever since. May be he is sick or something or did he just quit doing science? It cannot be.
Mother could not make it today to pick me up. Because her foot was not in good shape. So I had to walk alone. My shoulders were aching. Due to the bag being heavy. I tend to take all text books and writing books that is the time table of each day and it becomes heavy. Also I take almost all stationaries from pens to duct tape even mini first aid. It is kind of too much but I want to be organized and have everything that I will need. I took of my bag and kept it on the tar road although it was dirty and knelt to drink some water. I was feeling dizzy a bit and my tummy started to cramp. I think I am going down today again. I rushed home with all my strength.
Mother opened the door and she knew I was not doing well. "Why? What is wrong?" I sighed and said "I think I am going to have periods." The rest of the evening I spent sleeping and mother did not wake me up.
"Anna? Anna." Engel shook me awake. "Hmm?" "Are you not going to have dinner?" I was definitely hungry but I was too lazy to get off bed. I pulled myself off the bed because food is everything. My body was weak. I have to deal with extreme cramps sometimes. Today was a bit mild which I am grateful for. I am not big made but I bleed a lot on the first three days and later it becomes light and it last for a week exactly. You know I am kind of grateful that my pain is something I could bare at the least. I know some girls that undergo hellish pain. They do not eat nor drink. It is even hard to sleep, sit or even walk. Or maybe I endure better? Anyways it is no joke being born as a girl. But then again it is awesome.
I was looking out for Daniel to give his book. I was turning to the boys' side and watching. Masha noticed and asked me "Why?" "No just. I have to give a Daniel's book." She was slightly surprised. Before she could ask for more details Biology sir came in. After a whole five minutes Daniel came to class.
We got interval. Daniel rushed out to eat his breakfast with his friends. I waited till all the boys and almost all girls go out of the class. I did not want to deal with anyone knowing I talked with Daniel. To be honest it is because he is a tall and handsome guy. He even takes care of his skin and also he is really good in his studies. You already know that. Many girls have crush on him and also I am pretty good looking too. I do not want my father to hear of anything about I am talking to a boy. I do not want to imagine how his face would be.
I wrote a small note. 'Hey, thank you for the book. And also nice drawings in the book' and ended with a smiley face. I quickly placed the book on his table where he sits and returned to my seat as if nothing happened. Some of the girls saw. Hope they would not lit the fire. Wait, why am I being such a scary-cat.
Everyone returned to their seats and sir also came to the class. Daniel saw the book and the note. I turned away from him and looked forward. He was sitting a row behind me on my right side. Sarah said "He is looking at you and his friend is peeping at the note you gave him and he is smiling at you." I replied, "Okay." I now wanted to go to toilet. Was I being a too dumb giving him a note or was I being pathetic or did he think I was flirting with him? Please no.
Sir handed out tutes. He gave all the first rows a pack and I was passing it to the back. And if there was any extra they send it back front. I was like the assistant of our biology sir. "Anna!" Someone called me. And it was a boy's voice. It was Daniel's. I turned. "Anna can you get me some of those tutes." I nodded and gave him some. He called me again and returned the extra tutes. Sir looked at Daniel and back at me. I smiled at him. Sir smiled back and returned back to teaching.
After the class, many girls watched me and some boys smiled at me. I ignored and kept my pride and walked home. No, actually I ran home. I will not be absent for the physics class again.
Masha's guy friend's team are being a nuisance. They are staring and cat-calling me. They changed in a very short time. But it was not worse, they were like being friendly flirty. I guess. I am bad at reading guys. I have to look up on the internet when I go home.
Jessica and Jessica's friends started ignoring me today. I was a bit lost. Something had happened. Something was fishy. They did not response to any of my talk, they did not look at me and did not even nod. I wanted to clear it up. Masha and Sarah were also acting funny. They quite are running away from me. Changing topics when I come and join in their circle. I felt sick staying in the class. Like it was starting over again. I did not want to go through it again.
"Jessica can I talk to you a minute?"