Very well, I Understand

As Matthew waited until the sky went dark, there is one thing that he lost between all the gains he got from his evolutions. Matthew lost his ability to just snuggle up comfortably in his own nest.

Now that his body size is barely able to fit his old nest, Matthew has two choices to make, one is to find a new home in the forest, and two is to expand or in human terms, renovate his old nest to be able to accommodate his new body.

'Come to think of it, why is the nest so small? Does it mean that my mother's body is smaller than my current body? Or am I the peculiar one for being too big? I wonder where my chameleon mother and other siblings went.'

After considering the fact that Matthew is already used to his nest and Matthew finds the place to be very comfy after living there for a while, and he also still has his beef with the wolves and crocodiles to settle, Matthew decided to just renovate his old nest.

Matthew started the renovation by first using his now upgraded claws to make the opening of the nest larger. At first, he wanted to make the opening large enough where it will fit his body sideways, but considering that he doesn't really know the extent of his capabilities and there is a chance that he can't properly deal with the wolves head-on yet and he still needed the extra protection the nest always given him, so Matthew decided to just make the nest entrance only as wide as his body length from the front and slightly taller than his body when he is standing on all four so that if he was in a hurry, he can still go in while running.

For the inside of the nest, Matthew wanted it to be spacious enough that he can rest comfortably on all four of his limbs and maybe roll around a few times without hitting the wall. Now that Matthew had the design he wanted in mind, he started working on improving his old nest.

Although his claws aren't really made for digging dirt, his two-toed feet still do a good job shoving the dirt out. Matthew then remembered that the other eggs that used to belong to his siblings are still inside the nest, he used to just let it sit inside since he thought that maybe he will be moving home somewhere and he is basically borrowing the nest that his mother created, but now that he decided to expand his nest, he thought that he will be getting rid of them too since he will be completely taking over the nest. And just like any responsible human that cared about the environment, Matthew dumped the egg remnant into the lake.

When Matthew only just finished making his entrance and a little portion of the insides of the nest, he noticed that the sun is almost gone and the orange sunlight will soon turn into the soft moonlight. And it was almost time to do the thing he wanted to try, so he stopped the renovation for now and prepared himself and waited until the other creatures arrived.

Matthew didn't need to do much for his preparations, he only needed to find a good hiding place where he could ambush his enemy. And he can simply do that by climbing up trees and changing his skin color to a wood-like brown and it will be hard for the creatures to notice him since it is also nighttime. Matthew could also hide in a bush by changing his color to a slightly darker tone of green to match the bush at night, he used to also able to easily hide in a taller patch of grass, but since his body is now way bigger than it used to, Matthew isn't sure if hiding in a tall patch of grass will be as effective as before.

There are two things that Matthew wanted to try out tonight, one of the things is to see for himself how potent is the venom from his double venom glands by injecting them straight to the target's body using his fangs and the other is to see if he can utilize the venom using different methods other than injecting them with his fangs.

After thinking about it, Matthew wanted to check on the potency of the venom first. Looking at a spot not too far from the lake, there are berry bush plants growing lushly and it is the usual berry that the deers used to eat, and besides the bush is a tall and large tree just perfect for Matthew's hiding place.

As Matthew climbed the tree, he thought to himself,

'But will the deers come again tonight? It's already two days in a row that one of them is eaten by the crocodiles, even the boars are already traumatized from being attacked by the wolves once. Well if the deers don't come tonight, I can always search for other animals to be their substitute.'

After waiting for a while, Matthew noticed using his excellent vision that from the other side of the forest where the wolves, deers, boars, and the other large animals always come from, there is a herd of animals, with tall slim legs running towards the lake, brown fur covering their whole bodies, and large antlers at their heads.

'They really did come again, and there are 4 of them again this time, the first day there are 5 of them, the second day there are 4 of them, and because of the crocodiles, shouldn't there only be 3 left? Or is it a different group altogether? If it is then it explains why they aren't traumatized by the crocodile attacks.'

Matthew watched patiently as the deers went up to the lake first to drink and then start eating the berries from the bush nearby the lake. And as they came closer and closer to where Matthew is, Matthew also prepared himself.

Matthew then tried to remember the feelings when excreting his venoms just like what he did this afternoon when he was figuring out his new body. And either the system gave him a hand, or he is just talented, he feels like the venom has already been part of his body since the beginning, and using them felt natural and not awkward at all after practicing on how to use them a few times before. After making sure that everything is ready, Matthew only needs to wait for the deers to stand at the perfect spot.

Slowly but surely, the deers ate the berries at the bush taking turns from the one with the biggest antlers to the one who walked the last and had the smallest antler. And when it is the smallest deer turn to eat, Matthew jumped off the tree branch that he was hiding on, aiming at the smallest deer, he used his claws to then hold on to the deer, stabbing them deep into the deer's skin to help him hold on to the deer better and then using his fangs, he bit deep to the deer's neck and then injecting all the venom from his double venom glands.

The deer tried to shake Matthew off its back by jumping around and hitting its body to the tree in an attempt to hit Matthew as well, but in the end, without much of a fight, the deer soon went limp and fell to the ground.

-Level 8 Brown-Tailed Deer Killed-

'YES! I DID IT! I killed a deer with my own strength!'

'If my venoms are able to affect a deer with a body this big, this means that it is potent enough to be used on the wolves too! Wait for me you damn wolves, I will be coming for you guys soon enough!'

As Matthew wanted to continue his inner thoughts on how he would deal with the wolves to get the sweet revenge he wanted, he finally noticed that he needed to deal with something more urgent right now.

As he looked around him, he then realized the other 3 deers are currently looking at him with a face that Matthew could certainly identify as not a happy face.

'Aren't they supposed to run away after one of them got killed? Isn't it like that for the past few days?'

Matthew then remembered something,

'Ah, I see, that only works if the one attacking them is a huge and powerful crocodile, they think that this small chameleon is a pushover that they can kill easily.'

'Very well, I understand. Come at me then! And don't you ever think of running away from this alive.'