I'm Sorry, Oh Mighty Ability

Walking along the grassy field near the crocodile lake, Matthew is currently on his way to visit his old nest. Although Matthew finds the place to be very comfortable and has that homey feeling to him, in the end, he decides that he has to reluctantly leave his old nest because his body kept on growing in size, and renovating it after each evolution is troublesome for him.

And there is also the fact that Matthew had found an 'unused' wolf den that is spacious and large enough that it can accommodate himself and his prey if he hunted too much and can't eat them in one sitting. And after Matthew's discovery of the other part of the forest where the animals do come out in the daytime and he is planning on exploring them more, the wolf den is more of a logically beneficial choice to be his new home compared to his old nest.

But still, his old nest is the place where he was born and the place that sheltered him from danger the first day when he was still not strong enough to even properly run away from danger. So Matthew decided to give the nest a visit and give it a little expansion,

'If my chameleon mother decided to lay her eggs there, maybe she will come back sometime later to lay another batch of eggs? In that case, let's make the place more comfortable by adding some grass for paddings to make it softer.'

Matthew didn't know where his chameleon mother was in this world, and he also didn't know why she decided to just leave him alone there in the old nest. Matthew still wanted to thank his chameleon mother for bringing his physical body to this world since he already thanked God for sending his soul here.

Although fixing up the old nest barely passed as a thank you, Matthew didn't know what else to do. And if he even found the other chameleons besides himself, he didn't know which one is his mother and if they will even consider him a part of them since Matthew had only been in the world for about a week, but he already has a wolf's head and spider's venom! Who knows what other animal body parts that he will add to his body at the time Matthew meets his other chameleon kin.

'And besides, do they even have the capabilities to speak and converse…? I can't talk with the other animals so far, but I'm sure that they have feelings seeing from their actions. But if it's the same species, can I communicate with them?'

The distance between Matthew's old nest and the lake is not far at all, and in fact, he even arrived there first before he finished his inner monologue about his chameleon mother.

Matthew then looked at his old nest, which is already too small for him right now and his body wouldn't fit in the entrance anymore.

'Alright then, let's start from the entrance and slowly make my way inside.'

After spending about an hour renovating his old home, Matthew thinks that the renovation is good enough and at the end of his renovation, Matthew decided to make the entrance of the nest narrow compared to the spacious inside that could even fit Matthew's current body. This is because he thought that if his mother or any other chameleons decided to use the place to put their eggs, the narrow entrance would prevent bigger animals from getting to the eggs. And with that, Matthew thanked the nest for its help all this time then he said his last goodbye to his old nest.

Walking away from the nest, Matthew thought about what he should do since it's still a few more hours before nighttime where he got some deer hunting to do.

Looking at the warm evening sun gives Matthew a peaceful and relaxing feeling as if he just went on a camping trip to the woods, although alone and without friends Matthew could still feel and enjoy the calm atmosphere around him. To be able to savor the moment even better, Matthew decided to climb a tree with a wide branch that can hold his weight just fine and then relaxed his body before really slowly he started to close his eyes.

When Matthew woke up from his unexpected evening nap, the sun was already replaced by the moon and stars that filled the night sky and brightened the forest with its pale white light.

After taking his well-deserved naps after tiring his mind with his aura training and having a light exercise for his body by renovating his old nest, Matthew now felt his body is much more refreshed and ready to hunt his dinner.

'Alright now let's go hunt some deers!'

'Wait a minute…'

Matthew then realized that what if the sun is already long gone which means he overslept and he misses the deer herd entirely.

'Oh God, How could I make another stupid mistake! And I'm lucky that I somehow overslept on top of a tree branch. If I oversleep on the ground below or other places where other animals can easily reach me and take my life, I won't even have the guts to say sorry to God for wasting my second life and just go straight back to the reincarnation cycle.'

Fortunately, before Matthew was able to continue lecturing himself for his mistake, Matthew heard a distant hoofing sound from the forest and the sound is getting louder and louder which means that it is getting closer in his direction. With his new wolf ears that are far better than a chameleon's, Matthew is now able to hear sounds from a distance that he wasn't able to before.

But being able to hear the sounds and recognizing the sounds is a whole different thing altogether. While the wolves had lived long enough hunting in the forest every day for their prey and recognizing the sounds that other animals make when they are moving through the forest is easy for them with their years of experience, Matthew is not even a month old and he didn't know what animals make this certain hoofing sound.

Just to be on the safe side, Matthew then changed his skin color to dark brown to match the tree trunk to wait and see first what the animal is.

'I panicked a moment ago, but when I look at my surroundings, it shouldn't be that long since nighttime. The insects haven't come out and I can't see any other creature here. So that hoofing sound might belong to the…'

Matthew didn't need to guess anymore as the hoofing sound is now so close that Matthew will be able to see who makes that hoofing sound in just a moment.

'Yup, my guess is right, it's the deers club. They really never seem to get tired of being killed here over and over again, shouldn't they mark this territory as dangerous by now?'

Looking at the ignorant group of 5 deers who are currently just nonchalantly eating the berries from the bush near the lake. Makes Matthew wonder if the berries are growing at a really fast rate since Matthew has never seen the bush ever run out of berries.

'Maybe that's the reason why the deers liked this place so much? The never-ending berries?'

'Whatever, now that the extras have appeared, it's time for the MC to come!'

Remembering his aura training earlier in the day, Matthew quickly went into the clear state of mind and connected to his aura center before finally activating the aura ability to the fullest which gives him complete invisibility.

Now that Matthew finished his preparation, he only needs to wait for the deers to eat the berries that are located not too close to the lake to prevent the crocodiles from snatching his prey.

As the group of deers eats the berries at quite a fast rate, it doesn't take them a long time to reach the berries that are near the tree where Matthew is laying in wait for them.

Now that the deers are quite far from the lake, and they are inside Matthew's ambush distance, Matthew waited no more and jumped to one of the deers.

With his complete invinsibility, even though the jump from the tree branch made some rattling noise, the deers didn't know what made the sound and they also couldn't see what is coming at them until suddenly, one of them have their neck suddenly bursting out red blood as if giving the rest of the group a shower of blood.

The attacked deer couldn't do anything when he felt that something had fallen on top of him and when it tried to shake off whatever creature was on top of him, he already felt severe pain on his neck and it soon went limp from the loss of blood.

But sadly, that was not the end of the deers' horror as another one of them suddenly looked like it had its body being pulled forward and its neck looked like it was strangled by something.

The deer tried to fight the pull by using its four limbs to fight against the pulling force, but when the pulling force was gone, it still felt that there was something coiling around its neck tightly before he soon felt that something had landed on top of his body.

And before he was able to try and shake off the thing, he also felt the agonizing feeling of his neck being torn apart, thus giving the group another blood shower.

The rest of the deer herd who didn't know what happened to their kin and what thing just attacked them are frightened to their core and decided to run away to save their life from the invisible threat.

But alas, the one deer who was the last to react to the horror it just saw earlier, failed to move its four limbs fast enough and got 2 of its hind legs tied together by something invisible and fell to the ground. But for some unknown reason, whatever was tying its leg together was removed and the deer was able to run away following its other kin back to the forest.

The scene near the lake can only be described as gory, with the ground dyed red with the deers' blood, and the two unlucky deer who got their necks torn roughly are currently lying on the ground lifelessly.

As the horror unfolds, that certain group of deers will surely not visit the lake for some time. And the one who caused that horror is currently celebrating in his mind,


'I'm sorry for doubting you and not realizing your true potential, oh mighty aura ability. You are way more broken than just changing my skin color!'