Defending The Kobold Village (8)

Going back before the lieutenant's face was pierced by an arrow,

Matthew had decided that the human army commander had to be the sacrificial lamb to help ease the kobold's anger.

Although Matthew knew that the lives that the kobolds lost won't be coming back at all with him killing the human commander, it will at least soothe the kobolds' hearts knowing that the person who's responsible for the people that did them wrong also paid the price and didn't just go away unscathed after what they have done.

Matthew was worried that only killing some of the human soldiers and the commander won't be enough for the kobolds as they lost a lot more compared to the humans who only lost tens of lives from the insignificant foot-soldiers. But Matthew was being realistic and killing all of them is not only hard since if they decided to just run away Matthew couldn't do anything about it, and he also didn't quite want to be a mass murderer besides the fact that he had just crippled at least 50 people earlier.

'Well, at least I've given them a chance to live rather than just straight up taking their lives right?' Matthew said to himself.

Although for some people death is relatively better than being a cripple who can't even walk, that is not even in Matthew's consideration when he attacked the humans as he only thought about giving them the appropriate price for their actions.

And now, to achieve what he wanted and avenge the kobolds a little, Matthew is currently climbing onto a tree, in the woods not too far away from the remaining human army.

With his invisibility, Matthew was able to sneak away from the place easily and none of the humans even realized that their "mysterious attacker" was already gone from the place and they were being cautious for nothing.

But he won't be gone for long as the mysterious attacker is currently plotting something and he is planning to get back there as soon as possible.

The so-called "mysterious attacker" is currently choosing the best tree branch to execute his 'carefully made' plan that he totally didn't make up on the spot earlier.

He was searching for the longest tree branch that grew in the remaining humans' direction so that he could get himself a nice 'runway' to start his sprint towards the human commander in the middle of the horsemen's encirclement.

The layers of 50 horsemen around the commander are quite wide and Matthew needed more speed to jump over the over 10 meters distance that almost reached 15 meters. Hence why he busied himself by going quite a distance away and searching for the best tree branch that will increase his speed albeit only a little rather than just going into the closest tree to the remaining human army.

Matthew didn't find the perfect branch to use, but since he didn't have the luxury of time, he just picked the least worst and it is the tree that he is currently climbing on.

Matthew had been climbing trees since the day he was born in this world and with his current body that's about 1 and a half meters long and also his monkey limbs, Matthew only needed to use a moderate amount of his strength to arrive at the highest tree branch that he wanted in only a few seconds.

After arriving at the top, Matthew didn't start running right away, but instead, he looked in the direction he wanted to go, which is the remaining human army. Then he mapped out the path that he wanted to take, which trees he would jump to so that by each jump he would be increasing his momentum instead of decreasing it.

Using his decent experience in imitating spidey-boy for the past weeks, Matthew quickly memorized the trees and branches he would latch his hand to and the only thing for him to do is to start running.

Matthew kept his head in the direction where he wanted to run to, his eyes peeled open, while he took deep breaths, and stretched his whole body.

'Alright Matthew, there's nothing to worry about. You've never slipped once and this won't be the first time that you will.'

Matthew was used to swinging away from trees for his own excitement and as a way to make the mundane things such as traveling more exciting, but now that he has to do it for a serious and crucial reason, even Matthew couldn't help but be slightly nervous.

But with time pressuring him, Matthew didn't have the time to be worrying too much. And in the end, he just took a larger breath than last time while closing his eyes and when he opened it again, he already found himself started running on the tree branch.

Matthew sprinted as fast as he could before, lifting off at the edge of the tree branch as he set his eyes onto the next tree branch that he already planned to jump to before.

As his body flew and neared the targeted tree branch, Matthew positioned his legs so that the moment they touched the tree branch, he would be able to instantly jump to the next one without losing too much momentum from the initial jump.

The scene repeated itself a few more times as Matthew gained more and more momentum after jumping from each tree branch and there's an instance where his momentum is too much and he missed his target slightly and has to resort to using his arms to adjust himself a little, but nonetheless, he still succeeds in gaining the extra momentum that he wanted.

And by the time he reached the last tree, the nearest tree to the remaining human army, Matthew had accumulated enough momentum that he was even confident that he would be able to jump 15 meters away without worry.

With confidence filled his heart and his body, Matthew crouched slightly to give himself the last push to reach the target and as his feet landed onto the last tree branch, he put all his strength onto his feet.

With his eyes locked onto the human commander, he drove his feet down against the tree branch and propelled himself away towards the human commander.

And just like he predicted before, the momentum he carried is more than enough to reach the 15 meters distance, but as he was too excited and didn't properly watch his posture before the last jump, Matthew's angle was a little bit too high and he might miss the commander's position slightly.

Fortunately for Matthew, he always trusted his reflexes more and his planning second, and when he realized that he might miss his mark by an inch, he already prepared the countermeasure to fix the problem.

In the air, as his body was flying, Matthew moved his head downward and opened up his mouth. When he comes closer and closer to the human commander who is currently not too far from being directly below Matthew's body, Matthew launched his tongue towards the commander's neck and used it to adjust his position so that he would land on top of the commander's horse, directly in front of the commander.

With the excellent control on his tongue that he got from using it to imitate spidey boy before, Matthew's tongue easily coiled around the human commander's neck. And to adjust his position mid-air, Matthew tightened the tongue around the man's neck to use it just like it was another tree branch.

Matthew pulled his body slightly towards the man without using too much force because he was afraid that the man would fall down from the horse altogether if he did so. But the little force is enough to fix his flight pattern and now his feet are ready to land on top of the horse.

Although Matthew was 1 and a half meters tall, his body was not as dense as the humans and when he landed, the horse could handle his body weight just fine, what's not fine is that the man is trying to free himself by pulling out his tongue which makes Matthew very uncomfortable.

At first, Matthew wanted to just thrust his claws straight to the man's face as he was quite confident that his claws would be strong enough to pierce a human's feeble skull, but after realizing it would make his hands grimy with brain matters, Matthew decided to not do it.

And as he already made the theatrical flying swords earlier, Matthew thought,

'Why not keep the act up and continue the theatrical performance so far.'

Matthew wanted to grab the man's sword, but he realized that it had dropped down to the ground and he couldn't use his tongue to grab it since his tongue was already occupied by keeping the man in place.

Matthew then searched around to find objects that he could use and when he glanced at the horse's saddle, he found quivers filled with arrows to the brim in each of them.

'Nice, I can borrow these.'

Matthew then grabbed an arrow from one of the quivers before moving it slowly and dramatically as if the arrow was alive and moved into the front of the man's face and stayed there for a second.

Matthew wanted to keep the act longer, but he saw the man was already pale and he started to move his hand that was covered in armor in order to block the arrow that was right in front of his face. And with steel armor, it would be sufficient to block the arrow, which Matthew didn't want. So before that happens, Matthew hurriedly thrust the arrow right in the middle of the man's eyebrows and made sure it went deep enough that the man wouldn't suffer too much and only felt a slight pain.

The man's eyes were still filled with fear and shock as he breathed his last breath, Matthew then released his tongue from the man's neck and let the man fall down to the ground.

'Yes! It's a success!' Matthew triumphantly said in his mind.

'And now, for the last step to officially close this performance.'

'System, can you change the language I'm speaking into the human's language?'

Matthew waited for a few seconds, and since the system didn't have the notification telling him if the translation is working he said loudly,

"Hello, can you hear me?"

The humans had already set their eyes on their commander the moment the commander was struggling as if he was strangled and they literally had their eyes stuck on him as they saw the arrow on the commander's quiver was flying on its own and stabbed itself onto the commander's face, and their eyes even followed the commander's body as it lost its life and fell down to the ground.

But now that the horsemen heard a voice suddenly coming from the commander's horse, they couldn't help but look back at the horse and their eyes scanned the whole horse to find who had just talked.

"I assume that you guys can hear me since you looked in this direction."

Although Matthew was speaking in the human's language right now, his vocal cord still belonged to a wolf and his voice sounded different than an ordinary human's.

The horsemen also realized this fact that the voice that was speaking to them right now certainly doesn't belong to a human's. But with all the weird things happening to them and the shocking thing that had just happened to their commander right in the middle of them, the horsemen decided to just stay quiet and didn't do anything else.

"Don't be too tense as I don't have a plan to take more of your guys' lives."

With the statement just now, the horsemen realized that the one talking is their "Mysterious Attacker" and they couldn't help but hold the reins on their horse tighter and prepared themselves to run if even any one of them get a scratch from the mysterious attacker.

"Your commander had paid the price for all of your actions so you guys should thank him later in your prayers. But remember, if you ever touch the kobolds again, then your fates will be the same as your commander."

"That's all. You're dismissed and you're welcome to bring back all of your friends away from here."

After saying that last sentence, the voice had completely gone away and silence returned to the humans as they only stared blankly at the commander's horse, before eventually one of them took the initiative to give the commands to scatter around and help the other soldiers walk and slowly retreat back to their camp.

And just like that, the humans' siege onto the kobold's village had ended in a total defeat.