New Weapon For Valda

Looking at the short kobold in front of him, Matthew tilted his head as he remembered back then that he had given the kobold in front of him a sword since she had asked him for one, but it was lost after the incident with the humans and she had never used any weapon again since then. And now that she asked him to make another one for her, Matthew didn't want to make her wait for long as he scurried over to the remains of the wolf carcasses, wanting to grab a few bones that he could use to make Valda's weapon.

Cleaning the remains of meat that still stuck onto the bones, Matthew chose a few different types of bones from the wolf's skeleton. The wolf's wider shoulder bone that looked similar to a plate, the not too long wolf's ribs, and lastly he also grabbed the long thigh bone.

Bringing the pile of bones together to an empty space in the ogre village, Matthew called Valda over and asked what type of weapon she wanted to use.