Green Blood

'A voice or sound aura element.' Matthew thought as he kept his pace, chasing after the injured alpha monkey. 

Now that the alpha monkey was already injured, it wasn't hard for Matthew to really keep up with the creature. However, Matthew didn't want to go too close to the alpha monkey yet as he was afraid that the alpha monkey might be using the same aura ability again to freeze his body.

Matthew didn't know whether the alpha monkey could use the ability or not if Matthew was not as close to the alpha monkey-like before, but if it did still work, the fact that he was quite a distance away from the alpha monkey would certainly give him more time to react and to get out of the frozen state. He would have more time to form the solid aura armor to protect his body if he wanted to or even launch a counterattack of his own depending on how fast the frozen state that the alpha monkey instilled in him wore off.