I Will Make This Clear

Trolgar looked at the newcomer that suddenly appeared out of nowhere with a blinding speed. The creature looked like a huge kobold, even almost as big as the ogres or the trolls. 

Looking at the creature from its head to its toe, Trolgar felt the creature somehow looked familiar to him, but once he focused and noticed the bulging muscles all over the creature's body and the tail that looked like a living beast, he was sure that he had never seen any kobolds with that feature before.

With him staring at the creature for quite a long time, the creature noticed his gaze and turned its head towards him while saying,

"Nice to meet you again, troll chief. I assume all of you trolls believe me now? Or do you still think that the humans were weak creatures that you can defeat easily?" The creature said all of this with a smile plastered on its face, but the words that came out of its mouth certainly carried a hint of saltiness behind it.