'Increases' and 'Unlocks'

After teaching the trolls how to use the human's magic items, Matthew grabbed a few more magic items that he might need and put them in his bag, and started making his way back to the ogre village along with the three kobolds.

Of course, Trolgar and the elder troll mages accompanied him to walk out of the village and thanked him for teaching them how to say the human's chant and use the human's magic items. 

They also didn't have any comments about Matthew taking some of the magic items that they'd looted from the human outpost, which should be expected as it was common sense that it should be okay to give away a few things to someone who taught them to make use of those items.

But Matthew was quite happy with it since he had never expected the trolls to have decent etiquette in the first place.

Matthew was able to bring more items with him since he now had several more leather bags that he got from the human outpost.