Aramus #3

Avery and Reo appeared in a black abyss above a red planet. Immediately, Avery started gasping for air.

"What are you doing? You do realize you don't need to breathe air to survive, right." Reo said while patting her on the back.

"Oh right, I think the headmistress said like that once. I never really had the chance to see if it was true. Thanks to my mask." She said as she realized it.

Reo, then, laughed loudly.

"Hey, it's not nice to laugh at your daughter," Avery said.

Reo stopped laughing. "So, You're already accepting the fact I'm your father."

"Why wouldn't I? I mean that would explain why I felt a strange connection to you and Anko. Not to mention, I felt like I was the strange one in my family."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, ever since my brother got his powers, my father and mother have been more occupied with their golden child, leaving their normal child out to fend for herself."

"Oh, well, at least you still had your grandfather."

"Yeah, when he was around. Grandpa never really like dad much. I always guessed that it was because he was an alien, but I don't think that was the case."

"Your right. Your dad is an Omegian. An alien race that conquers a planet after they destroy their previous one. I guess your father is their scout for them." Reo said.

"What? They destroyed their previous planets. How many have they destroyed?"

"I guess around a thousand or two. I stopped counting after seeing all of those who suffered. And, not able to do anything about it."


"Oh, it's nothing. Anyway, we're here to talk about your origins, right. Let's begin. This planet is called Alpha 6. A planet that used to belong to a genius race called Genies. In every way, they were like the Jan-gu. Beings capable of creating anything they wanted, but they were limited to material things. They couldn't create life using their powers, unlike Jan-gu. It seems that gave them an inferiority complex, along with the idea to make a clone of Jan-gu." Reo explained as events of the past flew past them.

"So, when you say clone?" Avery said, surprised.

Reo nodded. "Yes and no. You come from a clone, but that clone failed."

"I'm confused. What do you mean?"

"On the day they were about to finish with the prototype, Anko, Raga, and I came to stop them from doing something immoral. They were making you but as a weapon of mass destruction. Sadly, we were too late to stop them. They were able to make you, but your body and soul were too weak to handle all of the power of the Jan-gu. And, by the time we made it to the lab where you was, your body had already died, with your soul not long after it."

"So, how did I end up alive?" Avery asked.

"I took your weak soul out of your dead body and added some of my power to it. Then, I flew you to your mother, who's Raga's adopted daughter, and placed you inside her body so it can go to her child."

"I'm like a part of you."

"Yeah, I mean it was my DNA they used to make y…

Avery hugged Reo. "Thank you, Dad," she said softly.

Reo, shocked, looked at her and saw the pure soul he saved that day. "Any time, kid." He said as he patted her head.

After a few minutes, Reo and Avery appeared in front of her frozen parents. "Now, remember Avery. Just because I'm your father by soul, doesn't mean that I'm your biological father. So, please respect them."

"Alright, but before you go, can you erase their memories of us flying?" Avery asked.

"Right, you don't want them to know that you have powers. Okay, I'll make it like they've seen Xanis instead of you. That'll be better, right." Reo said.

"Yes, that'll be great,"

"Oh, and a piece of advice, choose between your Alpha, Omni, or Omega forms when you're doing superhero work. That way you won't have to wear the mask." Reo said as he gathers energy in his hand. Then, he swiftly waves his hand towards her parents, creating a shockwave of energy. As the shockwave flew by everything, time resumed. "Alright, I'm leaving now. Feel free to visit the castle anytime. We'll be sure to welcome you." Reo said as he flew off, instantly disappearing.

"Wow, that person is my father. Wait, does that mean…. Now is not the time about the matter. Got to get back the roof before they resume." Avery thought to herself as she got ready to take off.

"Avery Rola Satin, where have you been?" Her mother asked as she hugged her sincerely.

"I kinda left the school after hearing about the Kaiju attack. I didn't want to be crushed under the rubble if the school got destroyed."

"Kaiju? Are you talking about those giant monsters?" Her father asked.

"Uhhh," Avery said, as she tried to think of something.

Suddenly, her father's phone rings.

"Hello," he answers."Understood, I'll be there as soon as I can."

"What the matter, dear?" Avery's mother asked.

"They want me to come in the office to help with the cleanup," He said. However, she knew it was a superhero thing.

"Alright, I'll leave you a… Avery's mother's phone rings. "Hello," she answers. "Yes sir, I'll be right there, sir." She said as she hangs up the phone.

"Looks like we both got called in." Avery's father said.

"Yeah, but I don't want to leave her here alone. What if something else happens?"

"It's okay, mom. You can just get Jason's parents to check up on me."

"Oh, Sweetie. You didn't know Jason and his parents are in the hospital."


"Yeah, they were trying to evacuate when the monsters attacked."

"Oh, are they going to be alright?" She asked.

"We can only hope."

"Yeah, that's all we can do. I'll be okay, mom. You two should hurry before your bosses get mad at you." Avery said.

"You sure,"

"Yeah, I'll be okay by myself for a while."

"Okay, call us if you or your brother need us."Avery's mother said.


Her mother quickly rushed into the house to change her clothes, and her father got in his car and left. She walked into the house to see a giant mess, caused by the ground shaking in during the Kaiju attack. Knowing her mother was going to ask her to do it, she decided to clean up the house. Then, she thought of something.

"This would be a perfect time to learn and practice my powers." She said to herself.

Then, she materialized a broom out of thin air.

"Wow, that actually worked," she said, excitedly.

She, then, rushed around the house leaving afterimages of herself doing chores. After a few minutes, the house was clean, and she sat on the couch.

"That's strange. I just did all that work and I don't feel exhausted," she said.

"Well, your body has gotten a lot stronger over a couple of hours. You can probably withstand a blast from SparkShot now." The headmistress said as she appeared beside Avery.

"Haha, Very funny," Avery said.

"Isn't that sweet? You're used to me showing up out of nowhere."

"Well, after seeing the things I have seen in the past two days, nothing can surprise me, anymore."

"Okay, you have a point. Anyways, I just came to tell you that your mother, Anko, wants to train you personally next month. And, your classmates are going to train with her for the next few weeks. So, enjoy your break for now." The headmistress said.

Avery sighed with relief. "Thank you! Finally, a break from something." She said.

"Not that it matters. You still have superhero stuff to do."

"Don't remind me. I try so hard and the people don't even care. I mean the superhero community sees me as a threat, while the regular people don't even know about me."

"Well, they know now." The headmistress said as summoned a holographic tablet to her hands. She hands Avery the tablet to let her see the news.

"On today's 6 pm news, is there a new superhero in town? This afternoon, during the giant monster attack on the east coast, a flying person had killed one and drove the rest away. Witnesses report they felt crushing pressure when she appeared and killed one of the monsters. This is what the superhero group, Central, has to say." A news reporter said.

"We, at central, have no idea who this new hero is, but one thing is for sure. We are thankful for her help and, hopefully, she will think about joining Central."

"Don't count on it," Avery said as she throws the tablet, leaving it to float.

"I don't blame you. They don't seem like trustworthy people, but you need to do something about coming here after every time you finish saving lives."

"You mean like a secret hideout beside the Nexus,"

"Yeah, and this one could be only yours, and we'll use the Nexus as your squad's meeting point." the headmistress said as she grabbed the tablet out of the air.

"So, where am I going to put this secret hideout?"

"Well, there aren't any good places on earth because of all of the superheroes on the planet. Anywhere, you put your hideout, it has to be in a place completely inaccessible by anyone who's not you."

"You mean a place like a moon," Avery said, jokingly.

"Exactly, on the moon. It's perfect. No one on this earth can travel that far up without us noticing, so no one will follow you. Not to mention, you'll have a great view."

"Why does it feel you already built it?"

"Calm down, I only designed it. You can look at it and change whatever you don't like. Just note, Most of the rooms I included are necessary such as the training area." The headmistress said as she handed Avery the tablet.

"Woah, this place is amazing. Three bedrooms, a state-of-the-art training room, and a pool."

"Yeah, and you have a magma pool for when you want to relax your muscles."

"Magma pool?" Avery said, confused.

"You'll be surprised by how it feels."

"I'll take your word for it," Avery said.

"Anyway, when do you want to set things up?"

"What do you mean? Won't it take a while to get the supplies to the moon? Then, we have to get people to build the base itself?"

"Do you really believe that?" The Headmistress asked.

"Yeah," Avery said while nodding.

"That's right… you don't know completely about your powers yet. Avery, we're more pow-

Suddenly, they hear footsteps coming down the stairs and the headmistress disappears.

"Avery, I'm gone. I think there some leftovers in the fridge if they haven't gone ba... wow, this place spotless. Did you do this?" Avery's mother said as she walked into the living room.

Avery nodded, nervously.

"Thanks, dear. I really appreciate it." Avery's mother said. "And, so fast," she thought to herself.

"Mom, aren't you running late?" Avery said, nervously.

"Oh, right, see you later," Avery's mother said as she ran out the door.

"Wow, that was a close one," the Headmistress said as she appeared.

"Yeah, speaking of which, where did you go?"

"I didn't go anywhere. I just manipulated the light around me, making me invisible to everyone."

"Huh, I didn't know I could do something like that,"

"There's a lot of things you don't know, but you will learn with time," she said.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the city, the leaders of Central are meeting up with an organization called DERAD, Department of Extraordinary Response and Defense. They work with the superheroes to stop giant threats like an invasion. They also create weapons like the O-bomb.

"So, why are we here?" Valkyrie asked as she, Dynamite, Neuron, and Atomic Master walked down a hallway into a room.

"Apparently, there's someone we need to see. They say it's urgent." Neuron said.

"And, it is," a lady, who was wearing apocalyptic clothes, said.

"Mrs. Mystic," Valkyrie said.

"Hey, Val, good to see you talking with John. How did he take the news?"

"What news? Did you have something to tell me?" Atomic master asked, with a concerned expression.

"Can we talk about this later? Right. Now, we need to listen to this urgent news." Valkyrie said.

"Right. In a week or so, the earth will be overrun by a series of events. And, none of us will be able to stop them."

"What?" They all yelled.

"Yes, as I said. The world will become a living hell in just a week. And, all of us are powerless against them."

"Okay, what happened?" Avery's mother said as she walked into the room.

"Dear, since when have you worked for DERAD?" Dynamite asked.

"I'll explain later. For now, we have to listen to Mrs. Mystic." She replied.

"You're right. Mrs. Mystic, what exactly is going to happen in the next week?"

"Well, first, an alien overload named Dark Erius and Raous will come to fight Xanis. She wins, but she was driven away after the fight due to the casualties and destruction they caused. However, hours after their fight A dormant volcano was triggered under the Atlantic. This volcano held an ancient mystic warlord named Damus. He, along with his four elemental bodyguards, quickly conquered half the world before he was stopped by my husband and me. Then, an alien invasion started, and we were completely caught off guard. They poisoned a quarter of the remaining human life on earth and enslaved the rest. Luckily, the rebellion lead by Valkyrie drove them away. But…

"Wait a minute, if the world was faced with so many problems, why didn't the Gods or Xanis come to help us?" Avery's mom asked.

"Well, Sydney, the Gods that reside on earth, didn't see a need to help us since we drove the most powerful being away. They thought we would've been ungrateful. And, Xanis was last seen flying away into a portal. I tried to track her using magic, but she was unreachable."

"Oh, so all we have to do is make sure this Xanis person doesn't leave after her fight with Raous and Dark Erius." Sydney, Avery's mother, said.

"Yes, Humanity can't lose their only hope. We need to persuade your daughter to stay."

"What?" Sydney and Dynamite said with confused expressions.

"Oh, that's right, you don't find out until she leave. I'm so sorry."

Sydney quickly grabbed her cell phone and called Avery's phone. Unfortunately, Avery didn't pick up her phone. So, she called her Dante's, Dynamite kid, phone and hoped he picked up.

"Hello," he said.

"Dante, where's your sister? Put her on the phone,"

"Okay," Dante replied, as he got up out of his bed. He, then, ran down the hall to his sister's room and opened the door. However, she wasn't in there. He went down the stairs and looked around the house, but he didn't see her anywhere in the house. "Mom, I don't see her anywhere in the house."

"Where could she be?" Sydney said.

"Mrs. Mystic, can't you find her using your magic?" Dynamite asked.

"I'll try. Please stand back."

Everybody in the room stepped back. Then, Mrs. Mystic's eyes began to glow as she began chanting in Chinese. The room around them, then, distorted and revealed a girl, wearing a high school uniform, standing on the moon.

"There she is. But, be careful we won't be able to breathe if we leave the circle. Let me see if I can get her attention." Mrs. Mystic said as a magic circle appeared around her hand.

Suddenly, stone spikes shot up from the ground where the girl was standing. Luckily, she was able to dodge them by jumping into the air. However, those stone spikes shot up out of the ground, aiming towards her. Reacting quickly, she shot beams of energy from her eyes as she flew away from the spikes. Suddenly, she was hit from behind with a spike, but she was unaffected by it. Shocked to see her speed and power, Dynamite sped over to Sydney with anger in his eyes.

"YOU SLUT! Who did you sleep with?" He said as he grabbed her by the neck.

"Rick, calm down before you regret something you didn't mean to do," Sydney said, calmly.

"Dynamite, drop her. It's not what you think." Valkyrie said.

"Then, please explain, Valkyrie. I'm sure you have a perfect explanation." He said as he continued to grip her neck.

"Your daughter got her powers from her grandfather."

"Oh please! That human can't be that powerful. I would have sensed it."

"Oh, like you sensed it from your daughter," Valkyrie said, smugly.

"Okay, but that still doesn't explain it. My alien DNA is so much more powerful and purer than human DNA. She should've had my powers instead of her grandfather's."

"Well, normally, you would be right. But," Valkyrie said, nervously.

"But, what?"

Meanwhile, Avery was still fighting for her life against those flying spikes. Thinking it would be easier to dodge the spike on the surface of the moon, she landed and began to run. As the spikes crash, they were aiming for her. Luckily, her battle instincts as a Jan-gu were slowly awakening, making it easier to read their moves and make swift decisions. She, then, began to run again, but this time she was flinging piece of the moon at the spikes telekinetically. She, then, noticed the spikes has stopped in place.

"What is going on here? The headmistress didn't say there anything moon alien." Avery said.

"Moon men? No, but there are some people who watch you from a magic circle. I think they were trying to get your attention." the Headmistress explained.

"Well, they got my attention," Avery said as she transformed. Her hair transformed from her usual brown hair to red, along with her eyes.

"Congratulations, you transformed into your Alpha form for the first time."

"I used a lot of my powers for the first time today," Avery said as she flew back to earth.

Noticing that she was headed back to earth, Mrs. Mystic stopped her spell and prepared a binding spell for Avery.

"What are you doing?" Dynamite asked.

" I'm preparing a binding spell to hold her down so I can explain and convince her not to leave the universe. And, according to Valkyrie, she does not like Central. So, this should hold her down while we talk. Also, let go of your wife, this binding can only hold her while she's calm. You choking her mother might spike her emotions." Mrs. Mystic explained to him.

"I doubt that. Our relationship with our daughter is not at a good point." Dynamite said as he let go of Sydney's neck, leaving a mark on her neck. After she caught her breathe, she got up and she raised her hand as if she was going to slap him. But, before she could, everybody hears a voice.

"Awe, mommy, and daddy are fighting again. Does this mean that our happy family going to split up?" Avery said, teasingly.


"Well, I guess my secret is out. Mom, Dad, I'm a superhero named Xanis, but I might change that. What do you think, Aramus? I like it. Anyway, enough playing. Since you worked, all so hard, to get my attention on the moon, I'm assuming that there's something important, or some kind of crisis."

"Yes, we have some information about some major events that are going to happen next week," Sydney said.

"And, who did you get this information from?" Avery asked.

"From me. I may not look like it, but I came from one month in the future. I came here to persuade you not to leave this universe after one of your biggest fights."

"Really… you tried to skewer me with deadly spikes just to get my attention because you wanted to tell me not to do something I haven't done yet."

"Technically, while being the most powerful hero, you're also the most elusive hero. So, you can't blame me when we have no way of contacting you. I mean your own parents couldn't get a hang of you."

"Speaking of which, where is your phone?" Sydney asked, motherly.

"In a pocket dimension, getting upgraded to work with my base's systems."

Sydney looked at Avery angrily, thinking Avery was lying to her.

"I'm serious. One of my mentors is doing the upgrade herself, along with finishing off my base because someone wanted to interrupt me."

"What base? Is that why you were on the moon not wearing any clothes besides your school uniform. Space is freezing up there. You could've frozen to death." Sydney said.

"No, you don't get to act like a parent when you finally realize that I have powers too. You treated me like I was invisible before, so don't worry about me now."

"Avery," Avery's parents said, shocked.

"Oh and Dad, I know what you are. Let me guess. Your armada will arrive in the next two weeks."

"Armada?" Sydney asked.

"Oh, dad never told you about his species. Well, let me explain who the man you lov…

Dynamite rushes at Avery and slams her through the wall. "That's enough little girl," he said.

"Oh really, I say it's only the beginning," Avery said as she grips his wrist.

Suddenly, Dynamite uses his explosive touch on the spot he's touch, Avery.

"Wow, dad, you tried to blow up your daughter. And, for what? To keep the keep that you're here to…

Dynamite uses his explosive touch repeatedly, hoping that she will be dead or unable to speak. Unfortunately, the only thing he did was successfully annoying her. She punched him hard enough to send him in the sky. Then, she looked at everyone else.

"If you're fast enough, you can probably stop him from going too fa… never mind he's falling back down. Anyways, I took your word for what going to happen, and I won't any promises. But, that depends on them." Avery said as she cleans herself off.

"Please don't you care for humanity," Valkyrie asked.

"Really, you're asking me that question. After everything I did. I drove the Kaiju away. I stopped you from destroying the world. I fought against Raous to stop him from killing you and your boyfriend. And, you ask me don't I care."

"Well… "No! Do you know how many times I got attack by you superheroes? Four times. And, one of those was literally a few minutes ago."

Everybody went silent.

"Exactly, there's no reason why I should stay," Avery said.

"Sorry to interrupt, but there's a planet headed to earth. I suggest that you come back to the base. So you get a crash course in some of your abilities." The headmistress said, telepathically.

"Okay, I'm on my way," Avery said as she took off into the sky.

"No, Avery. Stop, where are you going?" Sydney yelled.

"Oh no, don't tell me," Mrs. Mystic said as she cast a shield to protect herself from the change in the timeline.

"What wrong?" Valkyrie asked.

"Someone else from my future came back and informed the enemy. And, they're a week earlier than expected. Luckily, I stopped myself from blipping out of reality."

"Who could travel through time like you?"

"Besides Avery, Apaxus, and Mr. Mystic, I can only think of Dynamite Kid. But, he disappeared after you kicked him out for… no, my history has been changed. I don't know if everything is going the same route. All I can do is help you all right now."

"But, won't that start a paradox event when you meet yourself?" Neuron asked.

"Not if one disappears or appears in the timeline. Everything should be fine if I go back and make it seem like my mother had twins. And, we both had the same everything. That's should stop a paradoxical event."

"I hope you're right. We don't need another problem on our hands." Atomic master said.

"Right, so let hurry and get prepared for the threat now. We need everybody in Central and DERAD to assemble and fight. My daughter will not fight this battle alone." Sydney said she walked to the hole in the ceiling as Dynamite crashes back down. "Wake up, Rick. You need to explain what our daughter was talking about." She said as she kicks his foot.