Aramus #6

Days later, Jason decides to visit Avery to apologize for how he has been acting the last few weeks. However, once he gets to her house, he sees a bunch of people standing outside. Mostly, news crews wanting an exclusive with the world's strongest hero, but there were also so many DERAD agents standing guard outside. Jason, being smart, decided to use an old secret passageway he and Avery came up with to get around without being noticed. After climbing through bushes and fences, Jason reached Avery's backyard where he saw almost every superhero in Central, from Atomic Master to the Sentry Kid.

"Hey kid, What are you doing here?" A tall man said as he lifted him.

"Uh, I'm here to see Avery, Mountain. I mean sir" Jason said, with a fearful tone.

"What's wrong, kid? Scared?"

"Uh, No sir. I would never be afraid of someone who literally eats fear." Jason said.

"Oh, but yours smells deli-

"Mt. Fear, stop playing with my daughter's friend and let him go," Dynamite said. Then, Mt, Fear dropped John while sighing and walked away. "What are you doing here, Jason?" Dynamite asked.

"I came to see and apologize to Avery. Is she home?"

Dynamite sighed and said, "Follow me" as he walked away. Following Avery's father through the crowd, Jason overheard some of the conversations that the other superheroes were having with each other. Some of them were just idle chatter among friends, while others were discussing how they were worried about the protection of the people against a problem too big for them to handle, like the Draz incident. Which made Jason curious about what happened to Avery. Then, they walked into the kitchen, where the heads of Central, Sydney, and Dante were waiting for Dynamite.

"Good, you're here. We were discussing what to do next, now that Avery's gone." Neuron said.

"What! What do you mean she's gone? What happened to her?" Jason yelled.

Neuron looked at Dynamite and Sydney. They both nodded. "Okay, as of last night, Avery Satin has disappeared. And, we're trying to find her before she causes even more damage to us or herself."

"Bullshit!" Ms. Mystic says as she floats out of a magic circle.

"Mystic, where have you been?" Neuron asked.

"I've been in a different dimension trying to reform my past so I won't disappear in time or worst. And, what do I learn when I finally get back? You people drove the only person in the world, who can prevent the apocalypses, away from the planet!" Ms. Mystic yells angrily.

"We didn't mean for that to happen?" Valkyrie said.

"Oh come on, Val. Cut it out. We both know what you really feel. You're scared of her like you were when you were with her grandfather."


"Your future self told me. She was way more honest and stronger than you are now. But, I guess that came from aging."

Everyone in the room got quiet.

"Ms. Mystic, Please help me find my daughter," Sydney begged as she got on her knees.

"Why didn't you heed my warning? Did I not ask you to stop her from leaving? And, what did you tell me?"

"I said I'll do anything and everything in my power to stop her from leaving," Sydney said.

"Exactly, and you didn't keep up your side of the deal. So, why should help you?"

Suddenly, a large earthquake happens, and fire shoots out of the ground in the middle of the city, creating a large hole. Out of this hole, a horde of giant demons flys out and fills the sky with miasma blocking out the sun. Then, Giants climbed out and began to destroy the city, causing the people to flee in fear. However, smaller beastlike demons climbed from the holes and chase down the people and drags them into the hole.

Moving as fast they can, Dynamite and Dynamite kid runs through the city, helping the people escape to the bunkers, while Nova, Atomic Master, and Valkyrie work on fighting the flying demons. Meanwhile, the rest of the heroes fought and tried to drive the smaller demon away. Luckily, they were able to push them back long enough to get all the civilians to the Bunkers. Regrouping with each other, the heroes met up outside of a bunker.

"Sentry, what's your location?" A man, wearing a red jumpsuit with a blue cape, said over his communicator.

"Five blocks away, Merica." Sentry said while driving a truck full of civilians.

"Alright, we'll be waiting," Merica said.

"Dante, go find your mother and update her on the situation." Dynamite said.

"Okay," Dynamite kid said before taking off.

"It seems we're about to prevent an apocalypse, and without Avery's help. Looks like you was wrong, Mystic." Dynamite thought to himself.

Suddenly, Dynamite felt a heavy murderous intent from behind him. He turned around and saw America lying on the ground, bleeding out.

"Gross, you heroes have horrible tasting hearts. Really gross." The man, with two different distorted voices, said.

"Who are you?"

"Trash like you doesn't deserve to hear my name. Trash, you're trash,"

"Trash, huh. Let me show you how trash burns." Dynamite said as he gets in a starting position to run. However, he instantly fell to the ground.

"I just made small cuts in both of your legs. You won't be able to move."

"How did he do that without me seeing him?" Dynamite thought to himself.

"Simple, I am faster than you. You're too slow." the man said.


"Humans, are so fragile? I can easily read your minds with my telepathy."

Suddenly, the man gets shot by an electrified arrow, temporarily immobilizing him long enough for Sentry to hit him with his truck. Getting out of the truck, Sentry goes to the back and opens the back door, letting out the civilians and other heroes he picked up along the way.

"Hey, you okay?" Sentry said as he helped Dynamite.

"Yeah, I'm okay, but Merica was killed." Dynamite said as he struggled to stand.

"How?" Sentry asked while helping Dynamite standing.

"I don't know. He just fell down, bleeding out of his chest, before that thing just showed up. Speaking of which, that thing had some weird powers. We need to get back to the others to debrief them." Dynamite said.

"You can't leave. You have to stay for dinner." The man said while sitting on top of the truck.

"Well, I wasn't expecting that to work, but still I thought that we would've had a little time to get away." Sentry thought to himself.

"Get out of here, Sentry. You're no match for him." Dynamite said.

"Huh, Thanks for worrying about me, but there's someone else who needs your concern. Besides, you can't do anything better than I can." Sentry said as he sat Dynamite down. "Just give me the support as need." He said as he turned around while drawing his two swords.

Meanwhile, somewhere in China, disguised, Avery is sitting at a restaurant table waiting for someone. Suddenly, a young, handsome man, who fell for her at first sight, walked up to her.

"Ni hao meinu, lai he wo yiqi chi wanfan (hello beautiful, come join me for dinner.)" He said with an arrogant tone.

"Bu, xiexie, wo zai deng ren (No thank you, I'm waiting for someone.)" Avery replied. "Woah, since when did I know how to speak Chinese." she thought to herself.

"O, ni zhongwen shou de hen hao, danshi, na bushi qingqiu (Oh, you speak Chinese very well, but that wasn't a request.)" he said.

Noticing how people around them were acting, Avery knew that something was wrong. The young man was the second child of a Triad boss who was known for getting what he wants by any means necessary. And, he wasn't any different from his father.

"Young miss, please reconsider his invitation." A man said as he held his hands together.

"So, that's how it is," Avery thought to herself while sensing the malice throughout the restaurant.

"Sorry, I'm late. You wouldn't believe the traffic, and how many times I got lost to get here." a girl said, walking towards the table. She wore a red dress that had a slit down the right side.

"Wow, Yolunda, you look amazing," Avery said with a dumbfounded expression.

"Thank you, Avery. You look amazing also."

"Hey! You dare ignore me!" The young man yelled.

"Oh, so you do speak English. Anyway, as you can see, I'm busy, so can you please leave." Avery asked.

"HELL NO! You both are coming with me to keep me company till tomorrow. Don't worry I'll probably let you go tomorrow. But, it won't ma-

Avery grabbed him by the collar and said "Leave," as her eyes glowed. Scared by the sight of her eyes, the young man wet himself and fell to the ground.

"Young master!" A man said as almost everyone in the restaurant surrounds Avery and Yolunda with guns and swords.

Avery sighed. "I'm sorry, Yolunda. I wanted this to be a nice date. But, these idiots just want to ruin it."

Yolunda smiled and slightly laughed. "Avery, you don't have to worry about that. I'm just happy that we have this opportunity," she said. Suddenly, the men attacked them simultaneously. Avery and Yolunda both disappeared and immediately knocked out everyone.

"Shall we continue with our dinner?" Avery asked.

"We can but we could go somewhere else. The waiter called the police and I can hear them making their way here."

Avery concentrated on listening to her surroundings and heard sirens coming from all sides. "You're right. We should get out of here. How about we go to my base and eat a pizza and watch a movie," Avery said as she opened a portal.

"Sure, let's go," Yolunda said as she walked into the portal.

Following her, Avery walked into the portal and it closed behind her. Suddenly, an emergency siren goes off throughout the city. Immediately, people screamed and ran to get off the streets into bunkers, placed throughout the city. However, the demons, that were destroying the United States, ran throughout the city and killing the people.

Eight months later, The world is burning constantly. The skies turned black and the seas turned to blood. The world leaders were captured and killed, which caused mass chaos among the people. Resulting in crime and anarchy to rise empowering the demons. The remaining humans were driven into hiding underground and are barely surviving. As a last-ditch plan, DERAD and Central decided to prioritize finding Avery. And, with the help of the Gods, who were able to escape the Demons' invasions on their kingdom, Mrs. and Mr. Mystic, and SpellMaster(former apocalyptic Mrs. Mystic) was able to locate Avery on the moon behind a mysterious barrier. Preparing the necessary transportation and gear to transverse the moon, the leaders of DERAD and Central are deciding the team who's is going there.

"Absolutely not!" Neuron yelled.

"I agree. Valkyrie is one of the top strongest. We're going to need her to protect the people." AtomicMaster said.

"Oh please, I know already why you don't want her to go, John. And, Ron you just want to go, but we both know that you'll only cause more problems. The only ones I can trust from your group are SpellMaster, Valkyrie, and Rick. However, I wouldn't dare bring him to talk to our daughter."

"That sounds like you're being biased with your decision-making." A senator said.

"With all due respect, you have no right to speak, Senator Newman. You're only here to calm the civilians." Sydney said.

"You might say that, but I'm still your superior, Director Satin. So, you will respect my opinion." He responded.

"Senator, I don't know if you noticed, but the world outside this bunker is a literal hell. The world is burning. Civilization has been degraded to the Stone Ages. There is no superiors or subordinates, only survival of the fittest."

"You're right, Director Sydney. In a world full of chaos like this, only the ones who can adapt will survive." Anima said as she walked into the room.

"Who exactly are you?" Senator Newman asked.

"My apologies, I didn't introduce myself. I'm the current queen of Savari, Amalia Aku." She said as her helmet collapsed into her clothes.

"Queen? You're not much older than my daughter," Sydney said.

"Actually, I'm the same age as Avery. Speaking of which, I have come to offer my help to get you to her base." Amalia said.

"How did you know our plans?" Ron said as he formed large needles around her.

"This technology is horribly made," Amalia said as raised her hand, summoning a small flame to her hand.

"Wait, you mentioned my daughter. How do you know her?" Sydney said as she grabbed Neuron's arm.

"Well, Avery and I, along with some others, work together in a secret organization to protect the omniverse."

Everybody looks at her with a confused expression. Luckily, Sydney had a strange feeling that she should trust her.

"Okay, I trust her. This is no longer an operation for the remnants of a failing government, but a mission for a desperate mother to get her child back. Anybody welcome to join me." Sydney said as she stood up.

"I'll go," Valkyrie said as she raised up.

"Me too," Atomic Master said.

"I'll go too. I want to meet this Avery Satin."

Sydney, upset about who was coming, sighed. "Alright, we got our team Ron makes sure all the heroes know the plans."

"Okay, how long is it going to take to get everything ready?" Aaron asked.

"Not long. Actually, we can leave right now if you want. Savari already has the supplies and ship need for this expedition." Amalia said.

"Impossible, the world has been overrun by Demons. There's no way a third-world country like yours can't have the necessary equipment to make a spacecraft." Ron said.

Annoyed, Amalia pushed her wrist, activating her suit's holographic projector. It showed a three-dimensional image of an advanced technological city. "This is the capital of Savari, Sar. As you can see, Savari is not that third-world country we made you believe. We are way more advanced than you."

"What! How is that possible?" Ron yelled.

"That's not important right now. Are you ready to go?"

"Yes, let's go as quickly as possible," Sydney said.

An hour later, Sydney, Amalia, and the others are getting into Amalia's hypersonic jet. They were all dressed in outfits similar to Amalia's, except they were different colors. Climbing into the pilot's seat, Amalia activated the holo-control panel and started the engines.

"Wait, if you start the engines down here, the bunker is going filled with smoke and fire," Sydney said.

"Don't worry. This ship doesn't use your standard jet propulsion to fly. It uses the strange and powerful qualities of Caleaxium. No need to worry about them." Amalia explained as she pushed the throttle forward slowly. Slowly, the jet gradually began to pick up speed and zoomed through the tunnel, created by Amalia earlier. Soon they reached a well-lit section of the tunnel and Amalia pushed another button to open a door at the end of the tunnel. Then, she pushed another button which caused the jet to activate its secondary engines, increasing the speed exponentially. Shooting out of the tunnel, a loud boom echoed across the world, notifying the nearby demons of their presence. Luckily, the tunnel immediately closed after they left, and the jet had a special cloaking mode. So, they were safe from being discovered.

As they reached the outer atmosphere, Amalia noticed that they had two stowaways. They were Jason and Dante. Unfortunately, there wasn't any time to turn around, so Amalia just gave them the spare spacesuits that she had on the ship. Thirty minutes later, they reached the surface of the moon. Leaving the ship, Amalia and the others are following SpellMaster and her tracking spell to Avery's supposed location. However, once there, they saw nothing just an empty space.

" Well, this was a waste of our time!" Senator Newman said.

"Don't be too quick to push off something that is hiding in plain sight," Amalia said as she walked forward, disappearing right before their eyes.

"What just happened?" Senator Newman yelled.

"Oh, I see now. Impressive." Valkyrie thought to herself as she walked following Amalia.

"How did she create this?" Sydney said, following Valkyrie's example while dragging the senator.

"After you," Spellmaster said to Neuron, AtomicMaster, Dante, and Jason.

Hesitant at first, they walked forward and saw a large house with a big door. Amalia, then, walked through the door, as if it wasn't there. Following her lead, everyone gradually walked through the one by one. Once inside, they saw a woman standing in front of multiple holographic screens.

"Hello, Lady Mai, Where's is lady Avery?" Amalia asked as her helmet collapsed.

"Amalia, how many times have we told you? You don't have to use honorifics with us. You're like family. Anyway, she's in the Atlantean Room feeding the wolves, Fenrir, Skoll, and Hati with Yolunda." Mai replied.

"Yolunda?" They thought to themselves.

"Hey, Mai! Explain to me, again. Why do Skoll and Hati have to lick me every time they see me?" Avery yells over the third floor's side.

"Well, I guess they love you so much. You did save them from an eternity of slavery. They just want to show you their appreciation."

"Hahaha... very funny, now I'm covered in their saliva."

"Yes, that's a lot, and that doesn't make you any less beautiful," Yolunda said as she got closer to Avery. She, then, kissed Avery, but she saw the group of people in front of Mai. "Who are they?" she asked. Avery turned around and looked down. She, then, jumped down and landed behind Mai, completely dry.

"Hey, Amalia, how have you been?"

"Not well, the earth has been overrun by demons."

"Oh, really, is Savari and its people okay?"

"Yes, my people are okay, but the rest of the world isn't. They've been driven into the underground bunkers. And, every day, they all suffer and wish for their savior to come and save them."

"Yeah, I been hearing their cries for help. Even now, the Heroes are failing to protect a bunker full of civilians. But, what I want to know is why would you ask me?"

"Why? Why ask you? The world's most powerful hero… to come help the world. Is there any other reason than that?" Senator Newman yelled.

"Senator, just because you have three powerful superheroes beside you, doesn't mean you can just say what you want to me," Avery said as her eyes glowed.

"Avery, please reconsider. The earth needs you." Sydney said.

"Oh, you mean like the time Erius Dark came to earth or the time Draz was going swallow the planet. Because, both times I stopped them, and both times I was treated wrong afterward."

"What are you talking about?" Sydney said.

"Oh, so you still want me to believe that training session with Valkyrie and the others was just a training session. I know you were recording me and looking for my weakness while trying to discover all of my powers. Not to mention, I was ridiculed by everyone in the entire world because a couple of soldiers died because they got in the way. It's not my fault they were eaten."

"Really... Do you know how many times I have been ridiculed by people?" Valkyrie said.

"The difference between you and me is that you never had your secret identity exposed by it. Everybody on earth fears Avery Satin, the unstoppable hero. A teenage girl, who can fight against the biggest and deadliest beings, threatens their existence just by living her life. Weren't those you words, Neuron?" Avery said. Everybody went silent, knowing that's how they feel. Avery, then, walked away angrily.

"Avery, come back. Don't walk away from this." Sydney yelled as she followed Avery.

"Okay, now what?" the senator asked.

"Well, we failed to recruit our only hope against those demons unless you know the number of those other two who were fighting with Avery?" Atomic Master said.

"I doubt Reo and Anko will help you. Especially, after how horribly you treated Avery. They aren't the forgive and forget type that this universe is so fond of." Mai said. Everybody looked at her with confused expressions.

"What are ... Who are you?" Neuron said.

"Her name is Mai Mashiro, Avery's guardian, and assistant."

"She looks like the headmistress of my school who went missing eight months ago," Jason said.

"I am the headmistress. However, I was only there to watch Avery and recruit the NHP agents of this universe. Once Avery left the planet, I had no other purpose to stay on earth."

"Wait, you knew Avery was a superhero, and you didn't say anything. That's very irresponsible for an educator." Senator said.

"So is sleeping with your wife's sisters and impregnating them. And, using the taxpayers' money to pay for them to have their babies secretly. How did a man like you become a senator? I mean Reo might have ten wives but he loves every single one of them. But, you're just scum who doesn't know how to keep it in your pants." Mai said as she summoned a screen of everything about Senator Newman.


"Don't worry about how... just worry about the STD you passed on to your wife and her sisters. And, pray that they don't find out when the angels get there."

"Angels?" SpellMaster said with a dead expression.

"Yeah, you should know. Whenever this universe's demons conquer a place, this universe's angels won't be that far behind them."

"And, once there, the true struggle of human existence will begin. Damnit! I forgot about those bastards. You all need to get back to Earth now. I'll stay here to try to convince Avery. Make sure no one falls for the promises of those sadistic angels. They will do everything in their power to convince you they're here to help. But in truth, they are only there to completely enslave the human race." SpellMaster said as she summoned spell circle around Dante, Neuron, and Atomic Master's feet, which teleported them back to the bunker on Earth. "Okay, now, where's Avery?" she thought to herself.

"Follow me, I'll guide you to her since we're in the process of remodeling. You could get lost if you go through the wrong door." Mai said as she floated. She, then, flew in the direction Avery and Sydney went.

Casting a levitating spell on Jason, Amalia, and the senator, Spellmaster followed Mai down a hallway into a white room where Avery and Sydney were yelling at each other.

"I don't understand why won't you work with me without any of your silly excuses. Just this once." Sydney said.

"Oh please, mother, continue to find a way to guilt-trip me into doing the bidding of a government's official. I love it when you do it. Especially, when you decide to be a mother and ask your only daughter for help. Oh wait, that's not right. Well, I wouldn't know how a mother and daughter relationship is. My mother paid attention to my twin brother and ignored me completely." Avery said, sarcastically.

"Really, how long are you going to lord that over me? I didn't try to ignore you. I was just overwhelmed with having a...

"Superpowered teenage who can blow up anything with a single touch. Makes sense since you're only human." Avery said, sarcastically.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Sydney asked.

"Nothing? Now, if you excuse me, Mai, is there anything I can do to get out of this?"

"Actually, there is. We have four dimensions outposts that need to be set up. I was thinking it could be a good way to relax, but Earth really needs you." Mai said.

"What's wrong?"

"This universe's angels are coming to Earth. If once they arrive, Reality, as we know it, will be destroyed."

"How?" SpellMaster said.

"Well, this is probably beyond what you know, but this universe's reality tree, exclusively, is very fragile."

"Reality Tree?" Avery asked.

"Reality Trees are the things that literally make a reality. You might have heard it called Yggdrasil." Mai said.

"You mean the Yggdrasil is real. But, why isn't any record of its location in the books of the Tower?"

"As I said, this is beyond your understanding. Trust me, you only know a small portion of the truth behind the omniverse." Mai said.

"Like what?" Sydney asked.

"Like for the truth behind Avery and mine origins." Avery's grandfather said as he walked into the room.

"Grandfather?" Avery said, confused by his young appearance.

"What's wrong, Avery? You already know that we don't age normally."

"Raga?" Valkyrie said.

"Really, Val. You can't recognize me either. And, after I came all this way to help."

"Raga? Grandfather? There's no way that my father."

"Sydney, I'll explain later. Anyway, what's are we going to do about your little demon problem." He said.

"The demons have taken over almost all the countries and killed millions of people while enslaving millions more. Luckily, we learned that they can't survive on earth due to the sun." Sydney said.

"Makes sense. This universe's demons are extremely sensitive to light. Lesser demons and minor devils would be destroyed. Which is why they blocked the sun when they first came."

"You saw them invade Earth. And, you didn't tell Avery. Wait a minute, why is my daughter coming to you?" Sydney asked.


"No, Avery, it's okay. I'll explain to her. First, the reason why Avery came here is that this is her home away from you. A place where she doesn't have to focus on controlling her powers. Here she could use them freely without any consequences or anyone yelling at her. And, before you say you don't yell at her, we both know that's not true. Anyways, the reason why I didn't tell her about the demon invasion was that she was busy with her date with Yolunda. And, I thought she deserved some kind of happiness after being thrown into a chaotic world."

"Date? Yolunda? Why haven't you talked to me about any of…

"Mom, not the right time. This reality tree, where is it? Maybe I can infuse it with some of my powers since I'm a primordial now."

"No, that won't work. Any other reality tree can withstand outside energy, but this one could break if you don't precisely control your power." Mai explained to Avery.

"Okay, so I have no other choice but to go to earth and fix their problems," Avery said.

"Unfortunately," the grandfather said.


"What? Don't blame me, dear. I seen worlds that exceed this world's problems but I prefer to live in one of those worlds than this one." He said.

"Wow, really?" Avery asked.

Her grandfather nodded and said "Yea, you should travel outside your universe. I know Reo and Anko would be excited to see you. You can invite your little girlfriend outside the door." He, then, pulled her into the room with his telekinesis. She was wearing a dark violet jumpsuit with its right leg and arm cut out.

"Grandpa!" Avery yelled.

"Don't worry, Avery. She's tougher than she looks."

"Not really, sir. My powers are temporarily weakened after transversing between dimensions. Right now, I wouldn't be able to withstand a punch from Avery's mother, let alone being pulled through a door."

"Right, I'm so sorry. I forgot your kind doesn't have the luxury of traveling between dimensions freely as we do. How long do you have to wait before your powers are at full strength?"

"Around two days, depending on how much power I spent during the trip," Yolunda replied.

"So, you should stay here while Me, Mai, and Avery go to Earth, and stop the Demons and Angels." He said.

"Yeah, make sure Avery's mother and Senator Newman doesn't get into anything they shouldn't be in, like the Atlantis room or the magma room."

"The what?" Her mother and senator said with an confused expression.


"Alright, we'll be back as soon as possible. Don't let my mom intimidate you." Avery said, jokingly, as she teleported away.

Arriving on earth, Avery and the others saw the extensive damage the demons did to the world. Understanding what they had to do, each of them went their own way. Mai went to the bunkers to recruit the other surviving superheroes, while Avery's grandfather went into the sky to clear it of the flying demons that were blocking the sunlight. Meanwhile, Avery flew around the world fighting and killing any demon while releasing any human slaves they had. After four days, they all regrouped and informed each other on the situation. With selected parts of the world already fixed and livable for humans, the civilians were able to return to the surface, but Avery felt like it to easy for them, especially when they're Angels on the way. Suddenly, a loud bang fills in the sky and a large hole opens in the sky. A large mans floats down out of the hole, along with disfigured beings rushing out the hole.

"Are those the angels?" Avery asked.

"Yeah, and that's their leader, Baldr. A god that was banished by their council," Mai answered while pulling up an image her holographic screen.

"Huh, leave it to a god to attempt conquering a weaker race." Avery's grandfather said.

"Well, I want to get this over with as soon as possible. I want to get back to the moon as soon as possible." Avery said.

"Speaking of, I heard you left home." Her grandfather said he extended his hand out and released a temporal energy wave, stopping everything.

"Grandpa, can we talk about this later? I really don't feel like hearing any excuse you might have for mother." Avery said.

"No, I don't have any excuse for them. In fact, I believe you were in the right for leaving when you did. Humans have an innate fear of the unknown and the unstoppable. It's a weakness that they can never overcome. Even in our universe, there are still some humans that fear our people. So, I hope you don't hold it against them forever."

Thinking about what he said, Avery thought about something Anko said when she was training to fight Erius.

"We have the power to do the impossible, but that doesn't mean everything is possible. We still must deal with emotions such as love, heartbreak, and fear. I guess hate is a part of those emotions too." Avery thought to herself.

"Grandfather, thank you. Your advice was very insig…

A sudden beam of light hit Avery and Mai, engulfing them completely. Her grandfather looked up and saw Baldr was able to move, even though he was still releasing that temporal energy. Confused, Avery's grandfather stopped releasing the temporal energy wave, and flew toward Baldr and punched him into orbit.

"Human, stop this nonsense. You have no chance of defeating me a god." Baldr said with a heavily distorted voice, while radiating an immense amount of energy.

"Strange? The Gods of this universe shouldn't be able to generate this kind of power. It like he's something completely different from them. Almost like he was a… No." Avery's grandfather said before flying into Baldr and flew him to Mars.

Meanwhile, Avery and Mai lies unconscious on the ground surrounded by demons. Suddenly, the demons disappears instantly.

"Wow, that's was dangerous. To think, she was able to destroy so many demons with a pulse of energy. She is definitely our long lost prototype. It looks like the king of the Omniverse had made almost perfected our project. Shall we finish her?" A man said.

"No, we'll just get a piece of her so we clone her back in our lab." A woman said as she gathered energy around her hand. She, then, swung her hand, cutting off Avery's forearm. Then, the man swoops down and grabs the disembodied arm. Quickly flying away, they easily left the planet without being noticed.

Back in Avery's moon headquarters, Avery's mom and Yolunda are sitting together having an awkward conversation.

"So, what do you love about my daughter? I mean you do love her, right. You're not just using her trust to get what you want right." Avery's mom said, bluntly.

"Wow, you should speak for yourself. I heard about all of the things you done to Avery over the years. From being the control freak of a mother to experimenting on her daughter, I heard it all. I haven't had the opportunity to know my mothers, but I don't think that's how they should be."Yolunda said.

"You don't know anything about me." Avery's mother said, angrily.

"On the contrary, I probably know you better than anyone in this dimension."

"What are you talking about?" Avery's mother asked.

"Well, Avery doesn't know this. But, in my dimension, you are one of the most known women in my dimension's timeline. Thanks to your experiments and leadership as Derad commander, You alone brought the attention of the most powerful beings the earth has ever seen. And, sadly, Avery wasn't there to help the world."

"Huh, why is that?"

"Because your daughter is a being that exists beyond what we can understand. Unlike any other human, she doesn't have alter egos in other dimensions."

"What?" Avery's mother asked.

"Yep, you gave birth to an all-powerful being capable of moving literal universes."

Suddenly, an alarm sounds and a holographic screen appeared in front of Yolunda. On the screen, an unrecognized language flashed in bright red.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know. This is a completely different language than any human language I know of. But if I had to guess someone is messing with something they're not supposed to."

"Damnit, Senator!" Sydney thought to herself, as she got up and left out the room quickly. Following Sydney, Yolunda calls Avery to inform her of the situation. However, Avery didn't answer. She, then, calls Mai, hoping that she answers.

"Hello," Mai said.

"Mai! We have a problem. An alarm sounded and a screen appeared in front of me. But I don't what it said."

"Oh, that's nothing. It just somebody trying to get into our computer to steal our data. Well, unfortunately, Avery and I are busy with the angels and demons while Avery's grandfather is fighting Baldr. So, we can't deal with that stupid Senator."

"Okay, I'll try to stop him."

"Thanks, but remember to be careful. You still haven't recovered from your inter-dimensional travel. Anyone up there could kill you." Mai said.

"Okay, I'll be careful." Yolunda said as she began to float. She, then, grabbed Sydney and flew to the main room as quickly as she could. Once there, Yolunda had seen the senator typing on the computer.

"Shouldn't you give up on the password after 3 attempts?" Sydney said.

"You're funny, Director Satin. But I'm already in their computer system. I've learned a lot about your freak of a daughter." The Senator said.

"You bastard!" Yolunda yelled as she propelled herself at the Senator.

"No! Wait! Don't!" Sydney yelled as she reached for Yolunda.

"Oh, please." The Senator said as he pressed a button, activating the training drones Mai uses to train Avery. These drones have weapons that temporarily disables a Jan-gu's movements and stop them from using their powers. Each one of them can pinpoint aim and fire in less than a second, allowing them to fire multiple rounds in less than ten seconds. However, they're very lethal to mortal beings like Yolunda and Sydney.

Yolunda rushed to protect Sydney. Sadly, in doing so, she took the full force of the drones' brutal assault, leaving her full of holes, killing her instantly.

"Oh no! No, no, no, no! Hey, stay with me! Don't go dying yet!" Sydney said, worriedly, as she laid Yolunda's body down slowly.

Suddenly, a loud howling comes from the upper levels. Jumping from the top floor, Skoll, Hati, and Fenrir transformed into their human forms, and landed around Yolunda. Skoll, then, grabbed Sydney by the shirt and lift her in the air.

"Hati, how's is mother Yolunda?" Skoll asked.

"I'm not feeling any signs of life from her."She replied.

"Stand aside. I'll save her." Fenrir said as he began to focus. Suddenly, he saw a skeleton, dressed in a black cloak, radiating a dark, death aura. "Leave her alone!" Fenrir yelled as he radiated his own aura. Sadly, the reaper wasn't phased by his aura, and increased his own to propel Fenrir away.

"Leave boy! It's not your time yet to die." The reaper said with a deep voice, sending chills down Fenrir spine. Then, he moved his hand over Yolunda, relieving her body of her soul. "Now, I will be taking my leave." He said as he summoned his scythe and cut behind him, opening a rift in space.

"Hand her over," Avery said as she rushed into the rift before it closes.