Anima #1

 "500 years ago, our country, Savari, struggled to survive due to the barren wastelands surrounding it. One day, two all-powerful beings came down from the heavens and gifted Savari with three gifts. First, they altered the barren wastelands into a paradise filled with many exotic plants and animals. Second, they blessed us with a metal stronger than any other metal on the earth, Caleaxium. And, with it, Savari became one of the most advanced countries in the world. Finally, they gave the people of Savari a small portion of their power. The majority of the people were given the ability to control an element of nature. While others were able to access an astral force called Anima, allowing them to take the properties of different kinds of animals. Along with this ability, it also allows us to contact our ancestors and beloved ones anytime we want. However, worried about civil wars sprouting and constant invaders, the two of them crowned a worthy person as the king of Savari. This, in turn, gave him more power than his people. Not only is he capable of channeling Anima better than anybody, but he can also control all four elements. But, the king's greatest ability is to reincarnate, allowing him and his successors to pass all of their knowledge to the next. And, over time, they were known as Anima, guardian of Savari." A man said as he closed his book.

"Father, do you think I could be the next king?" A young boy asks the man as he gets comfortable in his bed.

"Only time will tell my son. But your mother is still alive. So, you probably won't unlock those powers until that fateful day she dies." The father replied.

"I hope I do become the next king. That way, I could protect our people from our enemies." The boy said.

"Now, Akayo, remember what your mother and I told you. We, Savarians, do not participate in the outside world. We stay hidden and continue to live in peace."

"But, Father, Uncle Rajah told me that hundreds of soldiers were sitting outside the borders waiting to get in."

"Don't believe everything you hear from your uncle. He wants you to distrust us."

"I would never stop believing in you, father."

"Thank you, son." The man said before leaving his son's room.

Ten years later, Akayo has his awakening test. This test shows what kind of powers a Savarian might have. Whether it's control over fire, water, air, earth, or anima, this test would distinguish it.

"Alright, Prince Akayo, I will be your evaluator for your Awakening test. Let's start with the basics first. Try to move this flame or create your own." A man said.

Remembering what his mother taught him, Akayo focused on calming his mind and willing the fire to do what he wanted. Luckily, the flame grew to an unnatural size.

"Great job, my prince! Now, we will be moving on to the second element, water." the evaluator said as the floor opened up, revealing a large pool of water.

Feeling confident, Ayako moved his body in a fluid motion like his mother had taught him. However, nothing happened. He tried again a little faster, but the results were the same. Upset, Akayo ran out of the room.

"Prince! Wait!" the elevator yelled out of the door.

"What happened?" Akayo's father asked.

"My king, I regret to inform you that Prince Akayo only has the fire element. But, I could test any other element besides water." The evaluator said.

His father, knowing how Akayo felt, immediately left after his son, leaving his ten-year-old daughter there by herself.

"Excuse me, do you mind if I practice my element's motions in there?" his daughter asked.

"Of Course, Princess Amalia. Would you like some company?" The evaluator asked.

"No, thank you. You should go take a break. You worked hard." She replied.

"Alright, I'll be right down the hall if you need me." The evaluator said before walking down the hall.

"Okay," Amalia said before going into the room. Once in the room, she locked the door. "Alright, time to practice. What should I practice first?" she said.

"I suggest you start with your most difficult power, Anima." A male voice inside her head said.

"Anima! How can she channel Anima if she hasn't been outside borders, let alone the castle? A female voice, also inside her head, said.

"Weren't you the one who said that the borders must stay close… at any cost?" Amalia said.

"I don't know who told you that, but it couldn't have been me. That sounds like my overwhelming husband would say. Thank Reo, I don't have to deal with him anymore."

"Is that reason why he told me to close the borders after you died?"

"Killed… get it right. My husband killed me?"

"Why? Why would your husbands kill you?" Amalia said.

"Well, I believe it was from fear. The Europeans were invading Africa and destroying the villages around Savari. I'm guessing he was afraid that they were going to get their hands on our technology, which was still pretty advanced compared to their countries.

"Meaning, their conquests could've gone faster with our tech." Another male voice inside her head said.

"Glad you can join us, King Anaka." the female voice said.

"I wouldn't miss the opportunity to train another prodigal Royal, Queen Nalia. King Na' Jaka. Especially, one who's the daughter of Malia." Anaka said.

"My mother was a prodigy."

"Yes, she was able to spark flames at the age of thirteen. The youngest any of us have awakened. Well, besides you." Nalia said.

"Right! There's never been an eight-year-old capable of communicating with the dead without help." King Na' Jaka said.

"Yeah, kinda regretting that. Can we get back to my training? I don't want that man to come back seeing me talking to the dead kings." Amalia said.

"Right, he would probably be confused seeing a ten-year-old willing the elements. Let's get back to our lesson, Amalia. Anima, the mystical energy gifted to us by Reo and Anko Lucrada."

"Mystical energy wouldn't be the right choice of words. Anima is the energy that connects everything in the universe. From the animals that live on the earth to the gods in the heavens, we channel their souls and abilities to enhance our bodies to do amazing things."Nalia explained.

"Things like flying like birds or running faster than the eyes can see."

"What! How?" Amalia said.

"Using Anima. Most master Anima users can run that fast and fly. Making them perfect for scouting and information gathering." Anaka said.

"That's also the reason why Savari is so much more advanced than other countries." Na' Jaka said.

"Yeah, but you should also know Anima is very dangerous. Anima users can't use it for long periods of time. They could lose themselves and be possessed by whatever they're channeling. And, this only gets worst when channeling from Gods." Nalia said.


"Because they're stubborn, and they'll try to possess you if they think you're weak-willed. But, don't worry, your past lives will protect you from any attempts of possessions."

"Alright, so how do I channel Anima?" Amalia asked.

"Sit down. Close your eyes and clear your mind. Feel your surroundings. Expand your senses and your mind outside of your body into your surroundings." Nalia explained.

And, following her directions, Amalia sat down and closed her eyes, meditating. However, she couldn't feel anything.

"Focus, Amalia. Calm your breathing and empty your mind. Go into a state of emptiness."

"How do I do that? This makes zero sen… someone's coming. It's that evaluator." Amalia said

"Strange, you just used Anima to sense that man. Maybe, you need a different kind of stimulus. Fear maybe."

"Shut up, I can't let him see me talking to the past ki…

"Princess, Are you alright? I hear you talking. Is there someone with you?" the evaluator asked as he opened the door.

"I'm okay. I was just talking to myself. Trying to remember my element forms." Amalia answered nervously.

"Talking to yourself, huh. You must have a great imagination, sweetie." A woman said as she walked up behind the evaluator.

"Mother!" Amalia yelled as she ran to hug the woman. "You're back from Europe."

"Yeah, my angel. I came back early to see your brother's awakening test. Where is he?" the woman said.

"I don't know. Father went to look for him after finding out Akayo has only one element."

"Oh… wait, he left his ten-year-old daughter by herself," she said. "That bastard." She thought as she forced a smile.

"It's okay, mother. I don't mind. Plus, it gave me the opportunity to practice my element forms."

"Oh, then, how about the two of us have a sparring session before school?"

"School? I don't go to school. Remember, I was being bullied by my classmates because I was too smart for them."

"Really, Amalia, I remember hearing from your teachers that you were talking to them with a condescending tone every time they asked you a question." the queen said.

Amalia looked away with guilt. "I didn't mean to make it seem like that." She said.

"I know, dear. You just need to find a way not to make it sound like that or explain it to them." The queen suggested that she place a hand on Amalia's shoulder.


"Good, now get ready. And you can leave, Si Naka."

"Yes, my queen." The evaluator said before leaving the room.

As the door closed, the queen charged at Amalia at full speed, punching her. Luckily, Amalia blocked and countered her. However, she didn't expect her mother to use a rounded waterspout to separate them and hit her with a water blast from the spout.

"Ow, mother,"

"Are you complaining?" the queen asked.

"No, I wasn't expecting you to actually hit me."

"Well, I didn't say I wasn't going to hit you." The queen said before charging at Amalia. Afraid, Amalia subconsciously unlocked a secret power only known among kings, Anaki (Royal's Wrath). This allows her to fight more efficiently and deadly with the help of past kings.

"Hmph, so the next queen has been decided, and it's my daughter. That makes me happy. But, at the age of ten. That's unheard of." The queen thought. She then jumped back after Amalia lifted the ground beneath her. "Really! You do realize that this will take forever to repair, King Anaka!" She yelled.

"Blame your daughter, not me. Malia." King Anaka said inside the queen's head. Then, she dodged to the left as a large boulder flew at her.

"Oh, so she's using your knowledge and memories this well," Malia said as she blasted herself back using air.

"Yep, she's a genius. She even designed her own suit. And you wouldn't believe how she made it."

"Can we talk about this later? You know when I'm not dodging large rocks and fire." Malia said.

"What are you talking about? She hasn't used f…

Amalia blasted her mother with a large fire blast. Luckily, Malia was able to form an air sphere around her, shielding her from the damage.

Alright, enough playing around." Malia said as her eyes glowed and a burst of Amalia into the wall behind her. Taking advantage of the situation, Malia manipulates a small stream of water and attacks Amalia's face, hoping it will wake her up. Reacting to it, Amalia closes her arms in, making the metal on the walls deform into a metal ball around her.

"She manipulated the Caleaxium. I had never heard of that. Have any of you?" Malia thought.

"Well, she is a ten-year-old prodigy. Not to mention, a super genius."

"Well, she is my daughter. I expect no less from her." Malia said.

"That's probably the problem." Another voice said.

"What do you mean, Queen Si Nai?"

"Think about the problem. Your daughter is Anaki subconsciously. You and I both know what that means."

Malia, calming herself, landed and cried a little. "I'm so sorry, Amali. I've been a bad mother. I didn't realize I was so hard on you. The sparring match is over. Mommy won't attack anymore." She said as Amalia charged at her. Suddenly, Malia hugged Amalia as she got closer. "Shush now, child. You can rest." Malia said as Amalia passed out in her arms.