The Moniker

A silence ensued as Kahn's body was thrown on the ground, there was a big hole in the middle of his chest that was of the size of a palm.

The dark blade had broken past his Somir scales, his most effective and powerful defensive ability. Rendering them useless without facing any resistance. It was still stabbed inside his chest. 

Kahn's lifeless body lied on the floor and his last remaining consciousness drifted into nothingness. 

At this moment, inside a realm separated from Vantrea and the World Boundary.. A place full of Darkness and Hellfire, a place without any visible end.. If Kahn would get to see this place.. From the description & surroundings alone; he would be able to infer that this place was none other than the Eternal Abyss. 

A gigantic figure clad in black and majestic clothes was sitting on a throne made of a metal unknown.