The Ire

Kahn declared the name of the Katana that was lying on the sofa. The name he gave it was Raijin, the mythological god of thunder & lightning.

As he explained the meaning of the name, except the god part. Omega was touched and instantly approved of the name. 

He took the sword and kept practicing basic moves. Unlike Kahn, he needed to perfect his skills by practicing a lot. Even with the Sword Intent skill, there was no shortcut for him. 

Plus the skills he received from Kahn also included the Lightning Flash skill which suited his fighting style just perfectly, so rather than waiting on the ceremony; Omega started practicing right away. 

Knock! knock! 

Another knocking sound came from the door and Jugram, the main person in charge of their security for the company building, who also supervised the department of security for all their stores came inside. 

"Sir Kahn.. We have a problem." said Jugram as soon as he entered the room.