The Advice

The vampire mage now stared at the young human who stood in front of him with contempt. 

"So you're my well-wisher." spoke Kahn as he gave a gentle smile. 

"You human vermin! You have no idea how many people you've enraged by saving this brat's life and thwarting our plans. 

Start counting your remaining days!" declared the old mage. 

"Well.. Not the first time I've had such a rude greeting. But unlike you, I come bearing gifts." said Kahn coyly and suddenly, he threw a round white object in front of the now tied up mage. 

This round object was a head that belonged to someone this mage had used as a chess piece for targeting Kahn & his company since they couldn't openly attack him without raising the suspicion of the Pureblood Faction. 

It was the snakekin, Houdini Warsmeich.