Terms of Contract

Regardless of how their encounter started, the blonde-haired thrall quickly shifted the topic as soon as the exorbitant amount of money was mentioned by the mage in black robes. No longer showing hostile appearance or body language. 

"Are you sure? Because I don't accept any delays. I want everything on time." said Loki. 

Normally if someone was on the same level as you in terms of strength, one would be worried about a sudden attack and feel a sense of competition. But to Loki, he wasn't even bothered about angering Odin. 

Because if push came to shove and they fought here… the one to lose the most here would be the thrall. 

Since he was a mage and the warrior in front of him was a close combat brawler, he had the advantage in terms of range of attacks, skills, area of effect and damage output during a fight.