The Determination

Inside the main castle of the Mikealson Clan, the clan leader and his wife reprimanded their daughter and commanded her to win the Emperor's Chosen competition no matter what. 

This was more of an order than parents motivating their children to do better in an exam. 

Kassandra had a solemn and obedient expression on her face, contrasting her cheerful and energetic attitude from before. 

"Listen to me, Kassandra. You already know about the first sage, right? How much influence that name carries and how big responsibility lies on your shoulders if you represent us in that competition?" asked Damon Mikealson. 

"Yes, lord father. I know." spoke Kassandra. 

According to the history of the Rakos Empire and how it was founded by the first emperor, Rathnaar The Conqueror.. The sage was one of the most frequent names that came up in the ancient archives and historical books.