Public Enemy

After he won the match, Kahn waited for the next few hours for the second match. By his estimations, the profits from his previous match should've doubled the money easily. 

[Omega, have our people collected all the money?] asked Kahn telepathically. 

[Yes my lord, we haven't tallied yet but the numbers are above 100 billion.] responded Omega who was mixed within the crowd. 

[Good. Wait for my orders till the odds for my next match are out.] he ordered. 

Another hour went by and Kahn's turn finally came. But as soon as the scoreboard and his odds were revealed.. His jaw hit the floor. 

Kahn's odds were… 90:10. 

[What the fuck?! I already won a match. Why are my odds so low?] he thought. 

Then he sees the scoreboard and his enemy. And he came to understand the situation with a face full of disbelief.