Final Decision

In front of Kahn, knelt one of the most prestigious and top figures of the empire. Although it was because of a borrowed strength.. He still had an upper hand for the moment. 

"Good… they fooled us all for good." said Stronoff. 

Soon, the aura released by the token subsided and Kahn was on guard again. The recommendation token senses that Kahn was no longer in mortal danger so it temporarily deactivated itself. 

"The recommendation tokens are also used for the protection of the candidates chosen by the faction and contain the aura of the faction leaders that's enough to incapacitate any opponent for a short time when the bearer is under danger or about to get harmed." said Stronoff as he panted heavily. 

"So I guess you're not without a proper backing after all. No one can even touch you as long as the competition is going on." spoke the fourth stage saint with an irritated expression.