Giving Warning

After releasing his full aura mixed with Rudra's, Kahn now appeared like a primordial monster looking down upon their measly lives to all the people, let it be government ministers or the military officials.. All of them felt they'd die any moment. 

Only now did they understand that the one whose authority they refused to accept and tried to act stubborn in front of was actually someone comparable to a saint based on his aura alone. 

"The old rules have changed. So let go of your notions of the power and authority you once held. The sooner you accept it, the better. 

As for me.. I will rule over this fiefdom in the way I see fit. So make your choice. 

You're either with me.. Or you're against me." spoke Kahn as his insurmountable pressure cracked the bones in all of their bodies. 

"I have already gathered more than enough information about all of you here.