Escape Plan

As soon as Kahn realized that no matter what he did, he had no choice but to flee the Rakos Empire… his countenance turned to that of an infuriated man. 

"This can't be happening! Do you know how much I've worked just to settle myself in this empire? 

I even went as far as to take on this stupid mission just for the sake of securing my future till I became a sixth stage saint! 

And because of you, all my efforts have been ruined!!" shouted Kahn at Rathnaar. 

"Huh? Why are you blaming me? You were going to be found out sooner or later anyway. 

My soul getting bound to yours is not that serious." retorted Rathnaar. 

"Not serious my ass! Before you, I at least had an option to stay inside this empire. And now… all the powers present here will be after me! 

And even if I somehow managed to survive or become the emperor of this place… the other empires would still send their heroes and top saints after me.