Arc 3 Epilogue


This is a compulsory chapter as a tradition of the novel that I write after the end of every arc. 

If you've read all the chapters till now and still decided to stick with the novel… then you have my gratitude. 

Unlike the previous two Epilogue chapters, I won't go too much into details or do a Q & A here since I haven't found many people questioning any plots or background stories in this arc. 

Mainly because I don't leave any plotholes or gaps these days. And if you think that there is one… just be patient and read the next chapters since I always tend to address every single thing sooner or later as the story progresses. 

So let's talk about some issues at hand first. 


The reason I took 190 chapters just for this arc and spent a lot of time on the politics of the fiefdom, Kahn getting control over various sectors and institutions of government, economy, underworld and military…