Second Meeting

Five days later at the time of evening, a fort that was protected by military soldiers on the southern border had an invader entering through their defensive formations and barriers using the true dimension. 

Similar to how they hijacked the place with Hector, Kahn and the group used the same method and got a face-to-face confrontation with Venessa Hos Sigfreed, the third princess of the Vulcan empire. 

But unlike before… they latter was expecting them. 

Everyone including Kahn kneeled in front of Venessa after they had successfully taken control of the situation and knocked out all of her people. 

"It's an honor to finally meet you, your highness." spoke who had the voice of a middle-aged man this time and their group was covered in green robes, a white mask with a sigil of a particular empire. 

"You… are you from there?" asked Venessa. 

"Yes, your highness. I apologize for showing up after so many years.