Attracting Attention

3 days later, the Church of Hetrax sent their Paladins Commander and two Archbishops to meet Throk Oakenshield. After a day of long pretentious conversations and how they felt sorry as well as responsible for Throk... They officially declared their support to Oakenshield throughout the empire. 

Throk reluctantly accepted the deal after Kahn's approval because their support came with the benefits of giving tenders and consignments for arms and many other accessories that they used in the churches and their settlements throughout the empire. 

The already super-ultra-mega rich Oakenshield company now had more added wealth with beneficial terms just like they had arranged with Hector and Venessa after Throk settled the deals with them. 

To the first prince and third princess, this also opened a new door because they were now allies with the church and their people under the table like different parties sharing stocks of a company in a way.