The Epic Feature

While Kahn's pleased expression was noticeable to everyone as he thought about how all the risk and efforts were worth it after getting his armors and weapons made by Throk… the latter decided to speak up… 

"Do you think that was the end? Are you looking down on me?" asked the old dwarf with a wicked grin. 

"There's more?" asked Omega with his eyes wide open. 

The other subordinates also had a similar expression as they were all taken aback. Throk smirked and then revealed in a prideful manner.

"Although I couldn't use the dragon's blood on all the other armors and weapons since it was limited… I used the ancient dwarven techniques to make them superior as well. They're no less powerful than the trident or the katana. Also, if they're all equipped at the same time… they will grant additional powers to the users." he revealed. 

"What kind of powers?" questioned Kahn as he felt like there were bound to be even more surprises.