First Round Result

Both Helsi and Kahn placed their respective shields on the big white marble table in front of three saint blacksmith judges. The opponent's shield had green and beige patterns here and there while the center had a head and horns of a ram. The shield made by Kahn on the other side had black and silver coloring with the shape of a demonic head in the center similar to a yokai. 

Although both the shields were only of Silver rank… they emitted a faint glow because of the attributes added to them via the runes by their respective makers. Helsi's shield gave off a faint blue aura while Kahn's glimmered with a yellowish green aura. 

"The Judges will check the quality of the finished shields by themselves now. We will hear about their expert opinions soon." commented the announcer of the duel. 

In the following moments, Master Ivaldi dressed in red attire, Druvagar in blue and Fili in yellow started with Helsi's shield first.