The Final Strike

Havi in his Simurgh form was a terrifyingly titanic and monstrous bird-like creature. And even the four 8th stage saints now couldn't defend themselves against his onslaught. 

If this was an open-scale battle between two empires, just the aftershocks were enough to kill tens of millions of people. Havi himself was capable enough to raze and pulverize thousands of kilometers of area and kill over a billion enemies easily after his transformation. 

And because of his primordial bloodline made him a being comparable to a 9th stage saint while forcefully gaining that much power against the suppression of the Flame Killer formation… 

Havi finally found an opening to make a decisive strike as soon as he landed in the middle of their battle formation. 

All four of the enemies were 4 kilometers tall in size, half compared to his own. But that also made them an easy target.