Bloodthirsty Ares

Jugram challenged Tamak in his own style as soon as he heard the effects of his new armor and giantsword from Kahn's system. 

[Following are the effects of the legendary rank Balrog Armor set : 

Bloodline Transformation : 

Allows the host Jugram to infuse his Chaos Demon Bloodline into the armor, thus unlocking all of his abilities that could be previously used only in his true form. 

Hell Domain, King of Fire and Chaos Emperor can now be used without transforming into the Diablos form. 

All the physical stats and attack damage output has been doubled while using the Balrog Armor set. 


Limit Breaker : 

The suppression of 20 levels in the host's stats has been halved. Now, general Jugram can use a total of 80% original strength in his legendary rank form.] reported the system.