The Destiny

Argos revealed one of his secrets to Havi to display his strength and capabilities in front of the latter. 

The Darkness element was forbidden in the world and anyone who practiced it was to be killed on sight in all the empires associated with the gods. However, Argos Belmont himself turned out to be a Darkness elemental user. 

This was a secret that no one knew until this moment. So even Havi was gobsmacked. 

Then right in front of Havi, Argos created two entities. One of whom was of the normal-sized humanoid species individual while the other was a 5 meter tall demonic creature who had hundreds of red bleeding eyes spread across its pitch-black body. And both of their saint pressures resembled that of a 7th stage saint.

[Just how strong is his control over the Darkness element? Even I can't do something like that.] wondered Havi. 

7th Stage Saints stood at the peak in Rakos Empire. Yet, Argos created such beings within a minute.